What a bullshit crap article hidden promotion for shitcoins !
THIS IS A TOTAL OUTDATED GUIDE that is useless. Yes, is possible to run a full BTC node on a mobile, but is totally useless. You better run LN nodes with neutrino sync: Zeus, Blixt, Nayuta, Breez.
“You better run LN nodes with neutrino sync: Zeus, Blixt, Nayuta, Breez.”
Ok nice one, I’ll check those out. 👍🙏
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @0fje0 4 May
It may have been possible back in early 2020 (when this review of the HTC Exodus 1s was published), but as the article actually revealed: even then it was already rather impractical.
The "limitations" they referred to are probably even more limiting 4+ years on.
Anyway, it was still an interesting read. Just no longer all that relevant, I think.
Thanks for your take. Yes I couldn’t find anything more recent and I had similar concerns to you. Sounded too good to be true.