I want to write AND I have a lot to write about! But... can I put pen to paper???
I know why I am struggling... its because I can't pick which one to start first as I am passionate about them ALL!
Which would you pick?
  1. @Satosora asked me to write something linking the film Captain America to the Tarot after I wrote 521097
  2. @DesertDave has asked me to write about why I became vegan and how it has changed my life after commenting on 467511
  3. The importance of differing opinions
  4. You can't be a "positive" person without "negative" thoughts/emotions
I will write them all but I need a starting point!
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Nadia 3 May
Let the thoughts flow naturally... ๐Ÿ˜
Just write what you want, dont force it.
In the past, I've just opened a tab for each post that I'm thinking about, so that I can work on whichever one is grabbing my attention at the moment.
I like your thinking and I do in fact have a tab open for each one! The problem is, I start thinking about tarot and that leads to veganism which leads to... well you get the gist! Maybe I should write a really long article incorporating all of them and just do a huge brain dump! It could be an interesting read lol
You could also start it as one giant brain dump and sort it out later if you want to.
I could do that! Oooooh, I could also post the brain dump and confuse the heck out of everyone with the inner workings of my mind๐Ÿ˜‚ #causinghavoc