pull down to refresh

$ lncli describegraph | grep \"55555\": | grep -v \"0000000000000000\"
                    "55555": "00000000fffffe0c"
                    "55555": "00000000fffffe0c"
Those two channels are those of https://amboss.space/node/025cd50e55b969a418e713b70076333ba1e25929e9e6ec5b937c30a8edc85cc82b. Currently, no other node configured any (negative) inbound fees. Let's hope this changes soon :)
PS: rebalance-lnd automatically takes advantage of negative inbound fees (if you run lnd v0.18), no code change necessary.
OK, this was fun while it lasted. Now Bee Tee See joined the (small) group, congratulations on second place!
These two channels (to bfx-lnd0 and bfx-lnd1) offer -100ppm:
Here's a jq command to get all the channels with discounts
lncli describegraph | jq -r '.edges[] | (select((.node2_policy.custom_records."55555" != null) and (.node2_policy.custom_records."55555" != "0000000000000000") or (.node1_policy.custom_records."55555" != null) and (.node1_policy.custom_records."55555" != "0000000000000000"))) | .channel_id'
Currently showing 5 (of 16 nodes on 0.18) with discounts
They should be called discounts rather then negative fees. Total fee your node charges for a forward cannot go negative. If I have already set 0 fee on a channel I want to flow outbound giving discounts on inbound channels won't help the situation.
What's the rationale?
I'd like to tweak my toolset (rebalance-lnd, lnd-manageJ, some scripts) so that they are able to work with negative inbound fees. Furthermore, I'd like to get my feet wet and learn how I can optimize my routing node c-otto.de to offer negative inbound fees where appropriate.
Negative inbound fees mean you have to pay instead of being paid?