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What do you like about nostr? I bet it's not the fact that half of the conversations on nostr are about nostr. Seriously, nostr seems to only discuss nostr. nostr nostr nostr Are you ready for a change?
I would like to present to you, nostrminusnostr. It's a 90s pizza party vibe, and best of all, I've filter out all of the notes about nostr...and bitcoin. I just don't see people getting on a platform that only discusses itself.
Anyway, I've also only included larger notes. Despite the pizza party colors, I made the notes to sound like tablets. I want to try to focus on weighty notes, so there's also a minimum word count and when I add zaps, there will be a minimum sat amount. My goal is to create a client that focuses on weighty creation and doesn't involve trivial tips.
Haha. Yes nostr on nostr is my least favourite thing about nostr.
I mean, I get why all the talk on nostr is about nostr. But yeah, I wanted to see if anybody is using it for what it’s supposed to be for.
Maybe that’s why I keep forgetting to use it
beautiful i love it.
This is just crazy enough and ugly enough that I like it. I actually talk nostr on nostr (because (a) it's new and growing and needs feedback and (b) where else do you talk nostr?). But nevertheless, props to you...learned stuff, had a thorn in your side, dug in, did something about it. Love it.
Important. Now how do we do this in other clients ???
I should also say, I figured this out after checking out tutorials by @jeffg and @gudnuf on ndk. All of my other programming skills, I learned from @bitcoinplebdev’s courses, so any one of them I bet could easily integrate this option into a beefier client in their sleep.
The filter was actually the easiest part of making this. I'm sure someone that knows how to code better than me could add this option in like ten minutes. If not, it's there in the repo.
Not going to lie -- thought the joke here would be that not showing any nostr or BTC discussion would just show nothing at all. Love the idea, though the layout's not for me. But discussions about nostr are about 50% of what I'd want to filter on the client (I'm fine with BTC talk, but also want to get rid of all the mastodon bridged accounts because it creates the impression there are people having discussions on other topics when they're not really there), and this is a good reminder that I need to work to set up this kind of filtered experience for myself.
What kind of layout might you dig more?
Here's a star trek theme that I made for a lightning wallet that I could easily transfer over: https://tng-wallet-for-voltage.vercel.app/
Or this one is made to look like a video game: https://arcadewallet.vercel.app/
Or this one is made just to make you anxious and pissed off: https://stresswallet.vercel.app/ :)
Any of these styles and more I could do. CSS is my favorite part of coding so far.