I have a thought in the back of my mind, that it would be neat if there were a software program that gets all of the software you use on your system and gets the payment addresses for each maintainer of that software along with some analysis of what needs more money and what's already funded.
Its around the same thought I had about making a miner fee support program that donates part of your miner fee for your tx (so you're intentionally paying more in miner fees) to a program that detects if a block contains miner fee paying txs and if none, subsidize the block with the emergency donation pool. (by the way, CTV kinda does that https://utxos.org/uses/scaling/ using congestion controlled transactions. Just have a bunch of minimum feerate txs ready to go and it doesn't have to detect anything just a miner will pick it up if they need it.)
Both would be opt-in obviously