pull down to refresh

I'd love to experiment with negative inbound fees, and I'd love to chat with someone who's already able to tweak a few corresponding settings and is willing to help. I'm not ready to update my own node, yet...
Is negative inbound fees intend to help with "re-balancing" ?
Example: I will pay you to for the privilege of relaying your payment and I get funds moved over to the other side of the channel.
Yes. Let's say I'm X, with channels to A and Z. If A usually receives payments, like LOOP and some exchanges, I tend to charge a high fee rate towards A. And, because the sats tend to flow towards A, I have to do some trickery (like rebalancing) to keep enough sats on my side.
With negative inbound fees (from A to my node X) I can encourage the rest of the network to use the edge A->X because it makes the whole payment cheaper. If the destination is Z, the negative fee rate A->X reduces the overall fee one has to pay for A->X->Z. If, for example, I charge 1000ppm for X->Z and set a negative inbound fee rate of -200ppm for A->X, the total route A->X->Z only costs 800ppm instead of 1000ppm (plus whatever A charges to reach my node X, but this cost is the same with or without negative inbound fees).
Thanks for the explanation.
This sounds a lot cleaner then how re balancing works currently.
I put the sats I got for this post to good use and started a (mainnet) test node running lnd v0.18.0-beta.rc1. With this node, I'm opening a channel to my main node (c-otto.de), so that I can configure inbound fees for this channel.
Node pubkey: 025cd50e55b969a418e713b70076333ba1e25929e9e6ec5b937c30a8edc85cc82b
Alias: "lnd v0.18.0-beta.rc1"
If you want to open a channel to this node, please let me know, so that I can connect to your node - or just open a channel yourself after connecting via tor.
Disclaimer: this node will be down most of the time, and I'll close all channels once I'm done testing.
I started experimenting on testnet. But found a bug pretty soon. At the moment inbound fees are reset to 0 if you perfom another policy update.