Feel like some semblance of normality has been restored. Although my complaint about MSM etc was the game-able nature, it also seemed very unfair to new joiners. I hope newbie Stackers now feel they are getting timely rewards for contributing.
Whilst I am firm believer in low time preference, I think we could do well to remember that it’s rarely a naturally occurring attribute.
I joined during the MSM and have to say that I actually really enjoyed it! That could be though because I knew no different! I think I am going to have SN withdrawal today though as I have to concentrate on my other work.
Thank you for sharing your perspective. Be interested to hear your thoughts after a couple of weeks on the present reward structure.
I will write a note in my diary to update you all!
If the usual cast of characters on SN don’t hear you may get chased lol
well getting chased may actually remind me to look in my diary😂😂
I also like the daily rewards better, but it wouldn't hurt to see MSM again from time to time
Maybe March…. It’s in the name after all lol