You're making good points. Here's a more optimistic take:
  • All of this scrambling was inevitable, it was only a question of when.
  • People with skin in the game (e.g., people trying to truly build on btc in the actual world) will face the same scramble.
  • It will suck ass, but it will reveal a lot about the actual state of the ecosystem.
  • Via responses like this, the ecosystem will adapt in the direction of more resilience.
The bad news:
  • The point where btc feels like a 'success' for most people will take longer than most people think.
The point where btc feels like a 'success' for most people will take longer than most people think.
Yep. For bitcoin to be bitcoin, it has to be usable at the edges so it can survive attacks to the middle. It isn't very usable at the edges but that's mostly because we've all been lazily building in the middle.