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The Siggy grudge is a powerful force.
Indeed! He has some real truth-telling tooth.
I have never heard that phrase before. I like it.
In fact I've also not listened it ever before I invented it. @siggy47 is one of my favourite stackers and it's just my way of saying thanks to my ideal. So @siggy47 is now a 'TTT' after I've invented 'PPP' for @cryotosensei.
You're also on my favourite list and I'll try to invent something for you later. You know inventions take sometime.
Thanks for the kind words. I second your assessment of Siggy. I have enjoyed your contributions to SN as well and learning a lot of IPL from you.
Thanks. As I said, I'll be covering this year's Men's T20 World Cup here on SN, I need a suggestion from you.
Should I change my nym from Coinsreporter to something else?
Up to you but I don't think it's necessary.
Thanks! I thought of it just because the initials as 'coins' now sometimes make me feel that it's in some way not suggesting my 'Bitcoin only' approach.
It's all based on Il Malocchio:
I know it better than anyone on SN. After all I'm an Indian Hindu. We're the most superstitious race on the planet.
My mother holds her own superstitious presumptions for almost everything. Now, even my wife is the same. My granny was the same as well. I can recall countless incidents of everyone stopping and just spitting because there's an innocent cat just crossed the road right in front of your veichle.
What did the spitting have to do with it? Does spitting at the cat ward its evil off?
Yes, I asked it once to my mom. She replied that by doing this we showed that we weren't weak and we could spit on demons and evils with force.
Technically, we show that we're powerful enough and we can't be trapped into the negative thoughts.
I always saw the brighter side of these superstitions. Like stopping for a minute or two doesn't cost us life.
Suppose, you're in a hurry to your office and due to the cat you just start thinking about bad omens and become extra careful while driving your car, eventually you drive slowly and reach your office, if it wasn't for the cat, you could drive faster and could possibly meet an accident.
Interesting. I like your optimism.
My grandmother spit too!
Oh I know it well. My first wife was Italian.
Oh no! I hope you weren't the recipient.
Not sure. I don't think she believed in it but her mom and aunts did. Who knows what happened after we split up. I might have a perpetual darkness cast over me.
My grandmother believed in it. We all consider it a joke, until we have a string of bad luck.
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