As the title suggests, post your dark web (onion) website bookmarks! The more interesting/cool the better.
Are there cool/interesting sites on the dark web that aren’t inherently bad for society lol? If so, why aren’t they just on the open internet? I don’t ask that sarcastically, open to real answers, but as far as I’m aware, merely “cool/interesting” sites don’t really exist, that’s not the point lol
There is robosats (bitcoin lightning fiat exchange). The founder rejected using clearnet to make it impossible for the site to collect user data (or metadata). Also to protect and hide the server of course. IMO, if you want to protect and hide your server, or if you want to self host without opening your modem ports, using Tor can be useful. Ps robosats is good for society and it's concept and UI are very interedting IMHO
Ok cool, will check that out. Yeah using Tor for privacy makes sense too, definitely agree there
Nice try FBI