Recently I’ve been thinking about how I got into the bitcoin space and tapping into my roots. re-reading old articles and books and really understanding the rabbit hole that I was introduced into.
Unfortunately/ Fortunately the people(s) of the internet orange pilled me and advised me about bitcoin. Eventually I took the leap and started to do my own research while getting involved in bitcoin and lightning community. So far this has been one of the best decisions I’ve made to date. I was wondering if others feel the same.
Since then I’ve been orange pilling friends and family and it’s been wonderful seeing some pickup and learn, regardless of the market,
Who Orange pilled you and who did you orange pill next?
As a lot of people, I started off as a shitcoiner during the 2016 hype cycle. After I read Saifedean's book, the big ideas from the history of money - salability, scarcity etc - began to click. Once I saw the various nation states respond to COVID-19, there was no turning back. Centralization of power is the big evil in this world. Bitcoin breaks this vicious cycle of centralized power structures vying for authority over us all.
As I say in the SN origin story:
I was orange-pilled by some combination of Michael Goldstein, Pierre Rochard, Saifedean Ammous, and Jimmy Song on Twitter in 2017
I don’t like to try to convince people of things. I also don’t like to argue. If I’ve orange pilled anyone it’s by example and they kind of come to their own conclusions. I have probably put it on a few people’s radar (who I know came around on their own eventually): maybe @gmd and @jason. While I only recommended Bitcoin to him and he had no interest in “crypto,” my friend Josh went full shitcoin degen after. “Bro, Bitcoin doesn’t have another 100x and I need a 100x.”
I pilled myself, and so far the first person i pilled has doubled my stack. it's a kind of shame, but i'm happy for him... he's more interested in the game, i'm more interested in the politics. he also plays the casino (but to his credit, he's got most of his keys), and i don't have the interest.
sorry for typos tried my best lol
TBH I think it was Michael Saylor. I always bought "reasonable" shitcoins with solid ideas but when the UST/LUNA crash happened in May, I thought maybe it was time to reevaluate things. During that time Saylor dropped about 5 interviews detailing why he was confident on Bitcoins future and not concerned about other cryptos. Something clicked then and I have been buying Bitcoin exclusively since. Now I look at most of these "innovative" ideas for different cryptos and I cant help but think something similar is already being developed on the lightning network
a Croatian guy online in 2012 who was sending free postcards around the world through to test how long the postal system takes from his country to various placces, he was speaking about sending me some kinda SD card I don't know for what reason, but I should have listened and bought, he was insistent on $10 and when it went to $100 and I had still not done something he wanted, I'm not even sure what, he was pissed, lke he missed the opportunity. I should have at least bought some when I was quite sure that he knew something. But then he was talking about WW3 happening soon and it didn't happen. I pilled my father, but it took 5+ years for him to understand that yes Bitcoin is happening.