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In recent times, we are seeing an increase on attacks against privacy. This post is to tell you that we should not have to worry. Why? Because privacy is a human right 1.
The same way that we don't have to worry about having a house with a door where we own the key to open it. When you go out, do you close the door with your key? Yes? Why? It must be because you care about your property that you may have inside, right? Or maybe you don't want anyone to go inside your house, or even worse steal things you have! This is considered normal, right? Or maybe I am nuts for thinking so, I don't know.
So,in the same way, you can have your own keys for your property in the form of money, not only for your house property. All KYC enforcement, self hosting wallets control or ban, privacy tool developers arrests and constant attacks are just to introduce fear in society to try to convince they have to leave the door of their house opened, otherwise they would be considered criminals unless they prove it otherwise. Bitcoin is considered property, like the house. So will the government ban us from having a house too? I don't think so. Don't worry, don't fear.
With this poll I want to see how many of you close the door, to prove it and double check if I am right or wrong on this. Maybe I'm wrong and everybody is leaving the door opened. Then I will shut up.
happy stacking! Quark


Yes. I close my door with a key72.0%
No. I leave the door opened28.0%
25 votes \ poll ended
I like the window blinds/shades analogy for privacy better. I'd guess people lock their doors to avoid property loss rather than to protect their privacy.
Yes I agree. I like the blinds/shades analogy too. I was thinking all this during my today's walk and I thought, after a year, I should start posting my thoughts on SN :)
I think we are in a new phase, with all attacks to self custody. Since they see we use blinds on the windows, they ask now directly for the door key, so they can enter and see everything too, but of course it is even worse. What I wanted to express is they can't do this, they don't do it without our real house doors keys, so they should not do it with our wallet keys. Maybe they can make a law to ban blinds/shades, but not a law to give our door keys. If it makes sense.
I agree with @k00b... i prefer a blind. To be honest, I forget to lock the house of my physical door most days so I may not be the ideal person to be answering this😂
Thanks for the analogy. The thing is even if you have the keys for your house and you lock it, you will pay taxes. If bitcoin remains fully private, no way to tax it as we don’t know who belong to.
not an expert on tax laws, but I think they don't need to know what is inside to tax it. It is your own responsibility to report everything as accurate as you can. But if one day in the future they know, for some reason, something doesn't match with what you reported, then get ready for the consequences.
Yes! I always lock it, it's already something I do in automatic mode every time I go out.
This is going to vary wildly based on location.
Been to villages and small towns where everyone leaves doors open. Kind of places where it literally feels safe sleeping on the sidewalk with your belongings. The cops there are akin to village uncles, telling kids up to no good to stop messing around because they'll tell their parents next time they see em.
Not to the same extent, but it was somewhat true a generation ago around where I live. Almost no one locked their doors and left stuff hanging outside (tools, toys etc.) A lot more rare nowadays though.
Rural area, neighbor surveillance 24/7, lead particle accelerator, and 2 big pawlice patrolling the area. I have no clue where my keys even are. Door always open.
Nice try fed. Hustle always triple locks his doors, and has an angry dog that hates people that smell like the IRS.
Absolutely hates it.