I love seeing these solo miners beat the odds and secure entire blocks!
its nice seeing the little guy win once in a while. Would have been even more enjoyable if they had found the one after the halving!
Yeah it really would have been! Based on the X author it is speculated that this large miner had either recently transitioned from pool mining post-halving or may have been intermittently hashing or renting large amounts alone!
My firewall is blocking access to that website. How much hash power does it have?
It appears to be some sort of supercharged miner....
"120PH (peta hashes) at the time, equivalent to around 0.12 EH (exa hashes), with an average of around 12PH over a week. This hash rate was roughly 0.02% of the total network hash rate."
some additional details
Kolivas analyzed the block-solve summary and speculated that this large miner had either recently transitioned from pooled mining post-halving, likely due to no longer covering their electricity costs for pooled mining, in pursuit of a chance at a solo block. Alternatively, they may have been intermittently hashing or renting large amounts alone.
For a solo miner, this is too much power. He should have free energy :)
Yeah when I read more and went wait a second 0.02% of the total network hash rate?! What did he leverage an exascale computer?! lol