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According to recent data from the Ifo Institute for Economic Research, there has been a slight uptick in price expectations among businesses. The Ifo price expectations rose to 15.1 points in April, up from 14.3 in March. Sascha Möhrle, an economic expert at Ifo, stated, "In the coming months, inflation is unlikely to decrease further and is expected to remain just above two percent." Particularly in consumer-facing industries, price expectations have risen to 25.8 points, up from a seasonally adjusted 24.6.
I saw a headline sometime last week encouraging the Fed to raise the target rate to 4%.
quite honestly: i have reached a point, with regard to the economy especially here in europe, that only lives on cheap credit, where interest rates should rise even further. we have to flush all this socialist garbage out of the markets.
I think that's true for America, as well. Over here, the mechanism for doing so is people voting with their feet in our decentralized system.
What's the most likely mechanism for cleaning things up in Europe?
From the outside, it just seems like Europeans are going to vote in populist-right parties that are also socialists.
yes, here in europe collectivism and trust in the state is much more pronounced than in america. i can't imagine that there are even the slightest bit better political solutions here to get out of the energy crisis and the weak growth under over-bureaucratization. the europeans have completely submitted to the narrative of the climate apocalypse from Davos. and that's where it stays for now, as long as we can still consume old capital
Inflation decreasing is a good thing, right?
Yeah, but it's increasing
But if they are able to get in control, the whole eu might follow like dominos.
Decreasing in toy retail, that is good for the kids. Imagine how many more toys you can buy to make them happy!