Christiaan Van Heijst, a veteran 747 cargo pilot with a keen eye for photography, recently shared his experiences with podcaster Chris Lehto, revealing four enigmatic UFO sightings. Among these, a “hypersonic” UAP stands out.
Van Heijst, who has spent countless hours navigating the globe’s airways, initially rationalized these sightings as secret tests of advanced USAF technology. Yet, the unfolding of recent, undisclosed events has led him to reconsider.
A friend and I saw two, in formation over Naval Air Station Meridian, MS when we were boys. Our parents said it was probably tests. It was not.
30,000mph? That is faster than the sound barrier... Faster than the Concorde.
Orders of magnitude different. Concorde flew Mach 2. Hypersonic is Mach 5+. 30, 000 mph is approx. Mach 39!
Here's him on Ryan Graves' Merged podcast: