I didn't know that Ask Me Anythings were anti self-promo? I have done ask me anythings back in the day about books I wrote then? Is it a new rule for here?
My expertise is in publishing and IT. The story proves I can write a story, and publish a book? I dunno, these things seem self-evident to me so I might not understand exactly what you are expecting.
I'll add the brief blurb that's present at the above links.
this territory is moderated
Well, I can't edit the post now, so I'll put it here:
Sal Grimone is a GREAT DECEIVER! He gets paid to digitally implement his deceptions. Unfortunately for him, his neat world is about to be rocked by the unexpected intersection of other members of the reality he inhabits. And oh yeah, the line between reality and fiction has been made thin by the birth of a thing called the "Holonosphere". Everyone is struggling with metaphysical problems brought about by this. A few people might just change the world by how they answer and act..