I am (as folks have probably figured out) a big poetry fan. I've been reading it for ages, studied it in college, even married a poet1. It's something I care about a lot (even if I have no talent for creating it).
I've been a fan of the English poet Wendy Cope for decades. Her poems range from serious to silly, and sometimes they hit both extremes at once. When I first read this tiny poem some thirty years ago, I thought it was fun doggerel. But as time goes by, it's that second stanza that stands out, a note that there are some in poetry who find any deviance from formality -- however they've defined it -- to be a threat.
It's also a good reminder that you can mix light humor and a serious message pretty well (see also my love of Terry Pratchett).
Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson
Liked to use dashes
Instead of full stops.
Nowadays, faced with such
Critics and editors
Send for the cops.
Yes, she's published; no, I'm not doxxing us. ↩