For a few weeks now, trying to set up a multi-signature file between me and someone who's purely working on a linux-variant in a far-away country. We both don't want to disclose our seeds (principle) and purely want to set up a multisig between us. It's just not possible. (most of the available software is not compatible, doens't have proper help, or give strange error 'this is not a json file' while it clearly is such a file,... ) So I thought I knew how to set it up, but it failes miserably. We should have a system were 2 or more parties that don't need to trust each other, or meet in person, can set up a multisig. Withou one of the two having to generate everything and then "give" the other one a seed or key. This is far from usable.
Tried sparrow, tried sending xpubs (which are zpubs :) and nunchuck, electrum. it all fails
Try -- it's super easy to set up a multisig there, all you need is a nostr profile from each party
Try our Finney wallet, which we launched recently specifically to address this problem.
If you want, I can set you up with a free Finney wallet to try out.
Full details in our blog post:
Make sure “native segwit multisig” is selected and that the derivation path matches the default one Electrum gave you earlier when you grabbed the Zpub (e.g. m/48’/0’/0’/2’).
Can't opening an LN channel be a solution?