I run a few (very) small websites, nothing serious: they’re not businesses, they’re hobbies. There is no risk involved if they would go down, apart from maybe disappointing a few hundred people that found a link to it on search engines. Because working on them is sometimes a fun challenge, but at the same time I am not a developer/sysadmin, there are two rules I follow:
Try to do as much as you can by yourself, and seek out the challenges. …but seek alternatives when it gets too frustrating/scary. It’s a hobby, after all - no stress. Some examples of how the combo of those two things translates to my setup:
I run all my sites by myself on a Linux server, BUT I rent the server (opening ports on my home network gives me more anxiety than I need).
I don’t use a CMS or “anything with a GUI”, BUT I do use static site builders (I can’t be bothered with raw-dogging plain HTML, CSS, and JS). My favorite is Astro.
I host a few services, such as site analytics, myself so that any data passes through as few hands as possible, BUT I run Coolify to deploy my sites (and lately, manage my server).
In other words: DIY, unless there’s a great FOSS tool to help me out. The excuse I give myself is “this is more hacky than 95% of people doing the same thing, anyway”.