Over my dead body, and a pile of theirs. Molon Labe
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according to DarkCoin- we're all dead
That’s why we win. We know we are dead either way. When the outcome is the same, die as a slave or die free, a large number of young men will choose to die on their feet, vs on their knees.
I am not implying a majority of men, just a large enough number to be a big problem for the parasite class.
There are 3 choices in nature when faced with violence - fight, flight, or freeze. When fleeing and hiding are no longer an option, guess what happens when you corner an animal? It will rip you apart or die trying. At some point, the lion decides the honey badger isn’t worth it.
Not every honeybee needs to sting, just a few. And those few that do, will die. But all the bees benefit from that sacrifice.
Eh…, I don't like the idea of everyone that is a bitcoiner holding up a gun as a last resort because one is cornered.
Like you said, die as a slave or die free. That's very roman times. The worst part of this scenario is you die.