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In 2001 El Salvador added USD as a second legal tender there through their Ley Integracion Monetaria:
You can see that defining the USD as legal tender there also came with a lot of definitions, similar to the Bitcoin law:
Todas las obligaciones en dinero expresadas en colones, existentes con anterioridad a la vigencia de la presente ley, podrán ser pagadas en dólares al tipo de cambio establecido en el Art. 1 de esta ley.
So, in El Salvador, they have 3 legal tenders, colones, USD, and Bitcoin.
ok, thanks, so neither the usd is legal tender in ES
if we dig deeper into sintax grammar...
it clearly says "this note is legal tender for all debts", meaning this one promissory note can discharge all debts
this winter I had my mind blown multiple times every week :)
indeed, this rabbit hole is soo deep that we cannot imagine