"How Do I Post Images on Stacker News?
To post an image:
Copy the image's URL
Enter on your post or comment
Type a description of the image into the first set of brackets
Paste your image URL into the second set of brackets
To expand an image on Stacker News, click the image. Clicking it again will shrink it back to its original size."
Other than a Discussion post using the  form of embed, there is an issue in the SN github repo from a year ago requesting additional post types. Image support (e.g., upload .jpg) is one of those types:
Other than a Discussion post using the  form of embed, there is an issue in the SN github repo from a year ago requesting additional post types. Image support (e.g., upload .jpg) is one of those types:

form of embed, there is an issue in the SN github repo from a year ago requesting additional post types. Image support (e.g., upload .jpg) is one of those types:
form of embed, there is an issue in the SN github repo from a year ago requesting additional post types. Image support (e.g., upload .jpg) is one of those types: