Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I went back to my old jobsite, its changed so much. Some things have gotten better, other things not so much. A bit disappointed to tell you the truth.
Soooooo just got my surgery approved by my health insurance. Now we just wait for the next appointment to settle a date for it to happen. Wish me luck!
108 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 26 Apr
Yen / USD just slid from 146 to 158 in one month… imagine losing 10% of your purchasing power so quickly 😢
Argentine life style.
In the ongoing discussions about cops and "forfeiture," they also steal from crime victims.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @Tef 26 Apr
First Samourai, now Phoenix... what's next?
Block 841000
That was quick. Let's see, what happened over the last 1k blocks?
  • fees went through the roof because of scammers pretending sats were atomic things
  • then they calmed down sooner than expected
  • OpenSats got ONE MILLION DOLLARS from the Reynolds Foundation
  • the DoJ shut down Samourai Wallet and arrested its founders
  • the FBI warned Americans to not use non-KYC crypto services
  • Phoenix Wallet announced that it was taking its app off of US app stores
Was that it? TGIF ffs

( ͡₿  ͜ʖ ͡₿)

Not sure why, but how is the @SN team still in the MSM reward list? I've read somewhere their were excluding themselves. May am I wrong 🤔 @k00b @ek @kr
II was also wondering: stackers on hiding mode should be excluded by the list... does not make any sense!
Just thoughts and curious about your opinion on this
They were excluded last month, but not this month.
Yeah I agree with the stackers hiding… the whole point is for people who contribute with engagement to be rewarded so hiding seems to run counter to that very idea

A Gunslingers' Showcase on a Dusty Sunset in the ~AGORA

Check out the hottest deals on @SN together with some really interesting conversations about current markets and how we can build a free Bitcoin circular economy!
Read it here and Happy stacking!
Antifragile check - did any of these FUD affect your setup, or are you still living a calm life without being affected?
Setup looks fine today, a bit worried about certain people but very calm.
"version": 270000, "subversion": "/Satoshi:27.0.0/", "networkactive": true, "connections": 36, "connections_in": 26, "connections_out": 10
It's like a big hug every time I check getnetworkinfo.
People in the US have been conditioned our entire lives to believe a lie. That we are free. Some of us. A very small number have taken the red pill. But the conditioning is deep. It especially hard to shake when you know the truth but everyone around you is still asleep. This is part of what you are seeing. Many of us get it but we are pissed.
I live in the US. I'm just pissed off. Sleeping fine though. I'm not enjoying the fact that open source devs are in jail right now and many others are likely concerned they might be next.
I get no joy from this. Just as I get no joy when I hear of people being imprisoned all over the globe. Those that have harmed no one. They are guilty of wanting to live their lives. They are guilty of thinking the wrong thing, saying the wrong thing, loving the wrong person, having the wrong faith, or not paying off the right person. The state is evil and I take no joy in the evil work it does.
@k00b I don't know how much this will mean to you but we have your back. Been a bad week for American bitcoin companies and Americans that value freedom.
2231 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 26 Apr
We’ve been working toward this stuff for months now. We’re already farther along than we thought we’d be. We should have fully non-custodial zaps in a beta state in a few weeks.
I don't know if I can help or how I would help but let us all know what you need.
2086 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 26 Apr
The best thing people can do is start using the attached wallets and filing bug reports and enhancements on them, because at some point we'll be 100% dependent on that working well for people that want to use real money.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 26 Apr
Thanks. I haven't even tried them yet and I'm ashamed to say that. I will start testing it out.
Well, shame no more. Wallet attached. Will try different options as well.
I agree. This isn't about getting rich. It's all about freedom.
Bing keeping it real, no way you could afford to be on a private boat lol 🤡
The federal actions against the Samourai Wallet team, being arrested for running an unregistered money service business, is having a chilling effect.
From ACINQ who runs Phoenix Wallet
Recent announcements from US authorities cast a doubt on whether self-custodial wallet providers, Lightning service providers, or even Lightning nodes could be considered Money Services Businesses and be regulated as such.
Phoenix Wallet is shutting down in the US as s result
Sad Day?
or an opportunity to grow?
Run your own Bitcoin and Lightning Nodes people.
This is shocking. That it's come to this shows how afraid US elected representatives are of the FBI and CIA.
These 'security services', including MI5, MI6 and GCHQ, are out of control and more dangerous than any external threat.
12 sats \ 1 reply \ @BITC0IN 26 Apr
it's really not shocking at all.
I'm more shocked by everyone's naivety.
This is without a doubt, expected.
If you are at all surprised by these events, you shouldn't be.
Use this moment as an opportunity to harden your Bitcoin operation.
Run your own software, learn to use coinjoins, payjoins, tor, i2p, vpn's. All of it.
Be aware these things exist and what they are, what their trade offs are.
Learn the benefits of running a Bitcoin node. Run one, not just for your privacy, but your overall Bitcoin sovereignty. It’s very easy to run a node. You install a program (usually bitcoin core) and let it run. That’s it. This can be done on windows, linux and mac.
Go a step further by verifying the binaries of the bitcoin node program you download.
Go a step further by building Bitcoin Core from source.
Go a step further by running the node over tor or i2p.
When I was packing to come back to Texas and visit my parents all I could think of was this will be great I will be able to lay in the sun and get some color on my pasty white body and instead we had one day of sun and the rest has been clouds.... Thats not what I cam back for!
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to assume as if anyone cares. They don’t. They have their own problems, and their own distractions. So you do you. You do what you dare. That courage IS what ultimately sets you apart, and, at some point, may become a flame of inspiration in the eyes of others.
I will literally pay sats you to watch a video and give your thoughts:

It’s Irrational to Ignore UFOs

Find some time, play it at 1.25x, listen while driving, put in on in the background, use remote-viewing to watch it, break it down to sections, whatever it takes.
There are reasons behind me not shutting the fuck up about this.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lumor 26 Apr
If it ain't bitcoin FUD it's UFO crackpot subversion. Coming at us from 2 directions. 😁
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs 26 Apr
Oh come on.
It's toxic UFO maxi Friday
90 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 86 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
I made a post about child labor exploitation in Peru #519577... I posted it in the wrong territory ~lol, I got carried away and put it there because the description said "anecdote" and I thought that was the best fit. They pointed out to me that it is a very serious conversation to be in that territory, I would like to delete it and publish again in a territory that suits better, but it doesn't seem like one to me. In which territory do you suggest I can publish, where would you like to read it?
brilliant! thank you so much. I'm going to delete and repost but in ~econ
Fun fact: there is not fun fact today 😂
No more fun fact ? @ek @kr
Day 130 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 322 sats on 25Apr2024! Running total: 86,410 sats!
"The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Reign 26 Apr
30 days to self discipline.
Anyone struggling with structure in their lives should read it.
Foundation by Isaac Asimov (when I was a kid) and later when I start to understand the world...
Good morning stackers.
Day 89 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
Day 91 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 40 normal/narrow, 25 diamond, 25 wide, 26 pike, 26 spiderman, 18 side-to-side, 18 normal/narrow on fingertips, 26 staggered, 20 pseudo, 30 normal/narrow on knuckles Total: 254 (Day 195 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 94 of 120+ pushups per day)
Good morning gang!! Friday has arrived and the weekend is just beginning, so let's give this day a final push, we've got this gang!! I wanted to tell you that I'm thankful that you exist and I'm thankful for all you do, I'm proud of you and I wanted to let you know that you're an amazing human being, thank you my friend, let's go out there and show this last day of the week who's boss, have a phenomenal day and may it be filled with positive energy, success and lots of love my friend. As always, be well and stay frosty.

💥 JABBB #04 :: Bitcoin Bahama

Submit your comic bubble or meme and zap your preferred one
Friday Homies! Time to get crazy!
1127 sats \ 18 replies \ @Lux 26 Apr

Blacks Law

Before we go into Legal Titles we need to refer to Black’s Law. This dictionary details the legal definition of words and titles.

Legal Title

Removal of your status is done to you by way of sleight of hand, by making you accept a Legal Title and all the legislation that applies to it.
Changing your status makes you agree to waive all your rights in exchange for benefits and privileges. However these so called benefits are nothing of the sort.
Privileges: means asking permission to have your freedom back. Benefits: mean you now have to pay any charges or bills, or even go to prison.
The following are legal terms, and if you accept them you have been moved out of a Court of Law and into a Legal Court or a court of legislation; you have lost your sovereign status.
Note: Anything written in all caps letters refers to Dog Latin, Glossa or ASL meaning your name in all caps letters makes reference to your dead entity, or corporate fiction.


The word person comes from the Latin word Persona, meaning: human being, person, personage; a part in a drama, assumed character.
This originates from a mask, or false face, that covered the whole head, which was worn by the actors in Roman theatre.
The word Person today is making reference to your Legal Identity, and not you as a sovereign. If you accept this title then you are now within the Legal World or System, with the lowest status within an administrative court.
The meaning of the word Person includes Natural Person, Firm, Co-partnership, Association, Limited Liability Company or Corporation.

Civil Society

Civil means “Roman”, which refers to Roman Law, which in turn actually refers to legislation and not law.
Meaning a Civil Society is a group of people who have unknowingly agreed to be part of, and a member of, a society that is controlled by Roman legislation.
The origin of modern day Equity Law is England.
The origin of modern day Legislation is Rome.
The following are legal terms, and if you accept them you have been moved out of a Court of Law and into a Legal Court or a court of legislation; you have lost your sovereign status.
This is what many people do not want to comprehend. There's no justice system if you already lost your sovereign status. Once you enter in that room, you lose everything.
Have you consulted your lawyer
Is the legal term for someone who abides by the laws not "citizen"? Or are you talking about something else?

the square foot was registered. the cat does not own anything. sorry.
Citizenship is a membership and allegiance to a sovereign state.
It's just being a member of a club. You can in some cases be a citizen of multiple countries, or also stateless.
The most common case is people get their citizenship by birth, but there are other ways of getting it, depending on the country.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 26 Apr
a constitution is a contract
constitution is a contract. only a few people signed it, and they have all been dead for a while. any paper document that is signed by two or more parties becomes contract in law.
you heard of East India Company? A corporation with it's own army, citizens, courts.. Colony management tool
Is the legal term for someone who abides by the laws not "citizen"?
legal means by contract
If you get on board of the citizen ship, you obey by the rules of the ship, the terms of the contract wich you accepted by getting on board.
The origin of the maritime law conspiracy theory is unknown, though it may stem from a misunderstanding of some nautical-sounding words in common usage in the English-language judiciary such as ownership, citizenship, dock or birth (berth) certificate. This theory is entirely devoid of merit: when invoked by litigants, it has been consistently dismissed as frivolous.
That’s not a legal argument
Try using that in a deposition or court
Admiralty law exists. And it is used as the base of this conspiracy theory.
I enjoyed the parts that are true though, it was interesting.
This guy likes to cite obscure provisions
Is he even a lawyer? Does he practice admiralty law?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 27 Apr
please enlighten for all of us the parts that are not true
Hello Stackers!
It's Friday, so you can bet we're doing Feel Good Friday over in ~Music. See this post for feel good Friday #519639
Swing by the daily discussion thread whilst you're there and find something to be the soundtrack to your day.
Let's Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
The last seven days have including a halving, major arrests, the shutdown of a wallet, and FBI threats. And that's just in the world of BTC, saying nothing of the world at large or what people are dealing with personally.
If you can, find some time for whatever self-care works for you, whether it's a hike, reading a book, dinner with friends, setting up a new node, whatever. Stressful bs isn't going to stop happening, so get some relief.
GM Cowpokes! ⚡☕🧡
Before Fed action... After Fed action ...
Stack Sats and stay humble
Well, who wouldn't be long if you can him. (other than the Trans)
This is a surprise to me
  1. obsessive coinjoiners are discovering the LIGHT...ning.
  2. the shitcoiners are getting empty hands with the ordinals
My work keeps turning the wifi on an off, so my phone keeps randomly reconnecting. I am sure someone is doing just to mess with everyone. A holes. Lol
I will go to a Bitcoin conference ONLY if they will have a dedicated panel named: "HOW TO FUCK THE GOVERNMENT / HOW TO DEFUND THE STATE"
Day 3 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
ODELL LOOKIN LIKE HE BOUT TO PUNCH A MOTHERFUCKER IN TFTC #302 The attack on freedom is real. Love to see the passion tho. Great touch by Marty Bent as well, reading A Cypherpunk's Manifesto for the intro.
Good episode. I had a different impression of Odell. He looked sad and about to cry. Either emotion was valid.
There is rage behind the sadness
saw someone asking for advice on buying a water filter - isnt a better way to solve this problem is moving to somewhere with better quality water? Because it's not just the water you drink but the water you take showers in or even the food that grow in it; I know this because I was losing quite a lot of hair when I was living in Istanbul, the water is so bad there...
and water is with much healing effects if you found good sources, e.g. it magically healed my skin problem last year and seemingly grew my eyelashes somehow. 👀
but I guess everything is connected - water is only part of the important things that needed to pay more attention to.
Does confirm some experience I had related to Istanbul. But people buy drinking water from outside Istanbul, no? Is it so bad it doesn't clear after boiling it?
You were losing hair from the water?!?
yes, and it's really common in Istanbul, that's part of the reasons why I moved:)
hang out more with the kids! they are so joyful, curious and such fast learners; but then I feel sad knowing that they would be sent to being brainwashed by the schools soon, then they lose their curiosity one day and just do whatever being told.
Good question
Day 377 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
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For your excellent behvior you received 20 social credits
😂 I will need your tax identification number to proceed 😂
No need to worry about taxes. Here, you only pay taxes if you convert your bitcoin to euros within a year. I'm a hodler...
simple happiness - goat milk ice cream in a hot day 🥵 and watch the latest Bitcoin movie!
why no one ask me which's the latest Bitcoin movie 👀
Watch "Dirty money" 6 parts mini-series from 2018,
FBI warning ? 👀
53 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 26 Apr
Samourai ep live now 👀👀
I was about to mention that movie, but then the FBI warning caught my attention.
Day 26 of my daily posting journey in the MSM era. previously: #517963 🤠⚡

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