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Yesterday I met a friend who told me that his mother, who is 84 years old, suffers from chronic depression and probably a mild form of schizophrenia.
He told me that for some time now she has had the feeling that someone is following her and trying to harm her. Apparently, she was weaving strange scenarios in her head about various conspiracies that were putting her in danger. And, as I said, she's 84 years old.
So, not being able to bear this difficult situation she was in, three or four days ago she went into the bathroom, opened the bathroom window, and jumped from the fifth floor.
And this is where the miracle happened! People on the street, who saw the scene, called emergency service. They found my friend's mother still alive. Although she had been thrown from a great height, she had almost no serious injuries. Just a little bit of damage to her collarbone, her shoulder, and a couple of broken ribs. Nothing else.
She is now in hospital under the care of doctors and a psychiatrist who has prescribed medication for depression and she is doing much better. Moreover, now that she is on the medication and feeling better, she cannot understand why she did what she did and feels guilty and ashamed.
Thank God she is now well and recovering. But for the family of my friend, this has been a very traumatic experience.
It was an event that made me think a little bit about the fragility of the human beings. There is a little disturbance in your brain and you are not aware of the things you are doing and the damage you are doing to yourself. Then, when you're sober, you ask yourself: how did I do that? I don't know what else to say about this, but this event shook me up and made me thank God for all the beautiful things and blessings I have in my life, and for my mental health, because these are things that one can lose in the blink of an eye.
Nothing in this life should be taken for granted. You can lose it all at any moment.
Let's think about it!
Life is so fragile. It's easy to forget it in the bustle of the day to day.
You are absolutely right!
Depression is the most under-stated mental disease of modern times.
The media only covers the "spectacular" cases, which most often means suicide attempts. But a vast majority of cases are lived out in quiet misery, pointlessness of existence, but not to the point of ending your life (especially if you have dependants, which for some is the only thing keeping them in this world).
If you're looking for potential solutions for depression and other mental illnesses, check out the book Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind by Georgia Ede. She details the evidence that's piling up in favor of a low carbohydrate/keto/carnivore diet curing multiple mental issues, including depression.
Also Brain Energy: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding Mental Health by Chris Palmer goes over the same issues and recommends the same solution (but it's not as user-friendly)
Or just listen to some interviews with these two authors. They're amazing.
Sugar is basically poison.
Thanks for the suggestions! I’ll have a look on them.
That's an incredible story. Most people that age can't even fall from standing height without big problems. I have seen miracles come in a lot of forms. I had a seizure that was quite traumatic at first and then with some time I realized that it was really shaking me out of something bigger. Usually for me, there is something to learn and grow from with every event we experience. Even ones that seem negative.
Now that's a miracle, such an old person falling from the fifth floor and still alive, seeing is believing.
It’s really unbelievable!
Life is very fragile.
who is 84 years old
She survived a 5 story fall at 84? She must be a tank.

Someone I know, bright as all hell at 13 but troubled as smart kids tend to be, jumped from his 2 story rooftop a few years ago and landed directly on his head. He ended up surviving but suffered brain damage. It turned him outgoing and sweet.
Oh, that’s so sad! 😞
My friend’s mother has no brain damage, fortunately. Her son is a doctor himself and he cannot believe what happened.