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Hello Stackers!
It's Thursday so that means it's Throwback Thursday! The day we go back to wherever we want to go back to and recall those memories of a good time.
Here's this week's throwback track from me today, and it's probably not one you'd expect from my usual tastes.
Let's get some ska up in here.
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Great track, not familiar with it before. But good fun.
It was a time of unlikely collaborations in the charts as I recall; REM & the B52s for ‘Shiny Happy People’, Robert Plamer & UB40 for ‘Baby tonight’.
(I am probably misremembering though)
Those are phenomenal collabs. Always enjoyed REM and the B52s not two bands you'd put together normally but awesome when they worked together.
I was never a UB40 fan at all, but the Robert Palmer collab was brilliant, fantastic song. Same with Kate Bush, her music never really floated my boat, but the Peter Gabriel collab was out of this world.
Perhaps a topic for a day? I need to think up some more from back the …
We might be cooking up a stew. And it smells goooood. Carlos's Collabs?
Vic Reeves long time collaborator Bob Mortimer ended up giving legal advice and representing which pop star against which pop star and why?
haha, I think I've heard it before but I wouldn't have gotten the answer without a quick search. Bob represented Jarvis Cocker (Pulp) against Jacko (suspicion of assault at the '96 Brit awards). Jarvis was released without charge. Well done Bob, he's a national hero and legend.
It makes me smile every time I am reminded of it :)
And you are right, an absolute leg end.
Ooooo fun fact!
Talking Heads - Psycho Killer
$boost 105
Psycho Killer! What an anthem. Great song.
And as far as ska goes, Tim Armstrong's previous band (well, one of them) gave us maybe my favorite from the genre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nphl0iPQx2g
Ska is good vibe!

Primitive Reason - Seven Fingered Friend
Years active: 1995–2015, Primitive Reason are an alternative cross-over rock band based in Lisbon, Portugal, with Guillermo de Llera (voice, percussion, didgeridoo), Abel Beja (guitar), Luís Pereira (bass), Tino Dias (drums), and Rui Travasso (Saxophone). Their 6th full-length album, 'Power To The People', was released on 1 April 2013.
Oooo that's good. I'm not huge on Ska but I like the odd bit here and there.
My brother is coming to visit early next week, and I remembered about a record we used to listen to a lot with him when we were kids :)
By the way, my uncle is a big Beatles fan and has amassed a huge collection of their vinyl records.
Awesome track Jess! Hope you have a great time with your brother next week. 👊
I always loved this song. Awesome vocalist. And a great band.
Yeah, it is pretty great. I know they've gotten some hate for moving to a softer rock sound, but there's still good songs there! I guess maybe I don't mind genre changes as much.
The last album of theirs I heard and then saw them live was the amaryllis album. Which had some heavier tracks on it. But they did start to move away from tracks like diamond eyes and devour. But I still love his vocals. Awesome vocalist.
He certainly is good! When it comes to rock I generally like the "classic" sound like I posted in the music saloon earlier, but I definitely don't stop there! There's so much good music to find.

Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street

The John Miles song reminded me of this one. Another song that I loved when it came on the radio. An epic track with a big sound, amazing sax solo and a great guitar riff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo6aKnRnBxM
This is a strong strong contender for song of the day from me! Such an iconic anthem. Awesome piece of music.

John Miles / Music Was My First Love

Epic and classic all rolled in to one. It's like two songs rolled in to one, very much in the style of Paul Mcartney https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgy_rOextOo
🫡 amazing track. And love an orchestra 😉 really really epic feel to it.
I always loved this sng coming on the radio. Couldn't wait for it to get to the rock part. Happy memories. Very similar in a way to Live & Let Die, come on lets get to the rocking out bit
Can't rush the enjoyment but at the same time, cmon bring me the rocking out bit 🤣🤣🤘🤘
Yes, macca makes a real habit out of doing two part songs of different styles. Band on the Run is another of my favourites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P_VfLun96o
Some Bruce Springsteen :)
The Boss 🫡
Wow, that really was a one hit wonder 🤣🤣 they (according to Google) didn't have anything else after this really.