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In the obvious sense the "price" means, BITCOIN CAN BUY THIS MANY DOLLARS.
That's the obvious but reflecting on this I can't help but to think that this is data from a regulated, by the same regulators who regulate the Fiat currency supply, exchange. So how real is this price discovery?
Up an down.
We already know that the supply of $USD became a hockey stick via 2020 and it continues to compound in supply which means that the same amount of money that has always existed, still exists, but it's been divided into smaller pieces which fools see as increased prices.
Yes the price has increased because the supply is more difficult to get due to the amount of work needed to accumulate said dollars.
So the Bitcoin Price really hasn't increased. It's only matched the amount of Fiat pumped into the minds of humans.
The denominator of FIAT is infinite. The numerator of Bitcoin is also infinite.
Technically on chain we can have no more than a denominator of 2.1 quadrillion and in lightning it is 2.1 quintillion. But that's where the rubber hits the condom.
You see...
The truth is that the numerator is FIAT and the denominator is Bitcoin. It's very important to see this and to understand that it's very cheap to buy into this accurate measure of wealth now. Even if you have to pay large fees on chain to miners. It's cheap!
No excuse to not earn those sats. No excuse not to cultivate your UTXOs.
The BITCOIN price is fake also because on the street it ain't cheap at all! If you need to move 1 Billion USD of value you can expect to pay 1 billion for 900,000,000 USD of Bitcoin. Maybe even 750,000,000 because that liquidity is expensive to handle and move in it's Fiat form. In Bitcoin it's about $400 in UTXO heard fees. Price of cake? Piece of cake? Pleb pie.
Don't be fooled by price in Fiat. It's an illusion. It's all THE PRICE IS WRONG.
PS I wrote this #504040 about me closing all of my lightning channels and after much reading and reflection I've decided to keep my node, run new channels (Stacker News is one) and that it's my moral duty to run a node of LN just as much as it is to run Bitcoin Core, so thanks to those who chastised and inspired me.
Yep, good analysis.
Thank you. I used crayons, duct tape and my fingers for the deep analysis.