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It's pretty fascinating that the topic that's been dominating the news for months ranks second to last.
good point, didn’t catch that
When you're late to the ponzi and your starting wages get zapped by larger percentages YOY ofcourse you're going to have a problem, millenials thought they had it bad but gen z and alpha oh boy they're not going to want to work at all wheres the incentive?
I wonder how many of them think that inflation is because of "corporate greed", though.
My impression from most corners of the internet is that my generation thinks all the problems with inflation and the economy are caused by "capitalism and corporate greed".
Most seem to think that at a minimum, the solution is more government intervention and more tightly regulated markets, and there's a very vocal group who think the way out is to abolish capitalism altogether and enact some form of socialism.
Student debt is the least important issue for 18-29
Is this support or opposition to forgiveness?
What is missing is college vs no college
If you want these kids to be willing to throw away their lives fighting a war with Russia or China, they can't be allowed to have hope for their futures. Demoralisation is the first step to prime a population for war.
It's rightly at the top because inflation is the only topic that's directly causing some serious damage to everyone in the country.
It means the youth are waking up! This is good news, means onboarding to BTC!
so what?
18-29 year olds are (largely) brainwashed masses.
It's almost 50% across the board, damn.
if people in general are worried about it....that means the masses know. They know something is wrong.
this is quite enlightening, people are more aware of inflationary problems than ever, this is just US data, right?
Here's something similar from the UK, 09/23 by YouGov.
Of the prime minister's five key priorities, which is the most important to you?
The options are reducing inflation, encouraging growth, reducing national debt, cutting health service waiting times, stopping illegal immigration.
Among all surveyed, reducing inflation is joint first with cutting waiting times. But among the 18-24 demographic, reducing inflation is head and shoulders above everything else with 46% of all responses.
It's also seen as more important by females, with males opting more for encouraging growth.
Disclaimer: YouGov usually seems more like an opinion influencer than a pollster, so all to be taken with a big pinch of salt.
yes, this is US data