So I wore my pair of pants that has become a bit short for me. It reveals my sexy ankles.
A Malay colleague pointed out that I look like one of our students who don’t really care enough that proper dressing = pants touching the ankles haha.
Then he came back and told me that actually he recalled that Malay people have this thinking that wearing short pants means being humble. Because in the ancient past, rich Malay people used to wear garish clothes that hid their ankles.
Well, the idea of being humble made me think about stay humble, stack sats.
This may be a frivolous link to the notion of alternatives but I wanted to give this anecdote its own post rather than a comment in the Saloon because I felt like I have gained a vital cultural insight today.
Thank you for reading
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @anna 25 Apr
Definitely worthy of a post, in my opinion :) Staying humble is my kind of fashion. I never understood why people were so offended by some little holes or stains. My mom used to always offer to buy me new clothes so I "wouldn't look like a homeless person" but it seemed like a waste of money
I have no fashion sense. I am such a nerd. My son says I'm a goon. And some how it all works just fine for me. All function. I wear what I need to wear. In all honesty I wear as little as possible. Out at my place where there is no one around for miles I often walk around completely naked. And I only wear shoes if I need them. Most of my clothes are pretty old and worn out. I don't care what people think and I love it.