today, i feel my emotions have been all over the place.
i have felt stress, anxiety, doubt, frustration, and severe counts of imposter syndrome coming in waves.
maybe some small bursts of optimism and happiness, but those ran dry quite quickly.
alot of moving parts are taking place. getting to move out of my current place in japan, and taking care of those expenses. on a job hunt so i can try to reintegrate into life in the states. and coming up with a plan b and c just in case things don't work out.
with moving out, i think, "do i have enough money to do so? will i make it safely to my next destination?"
with applying to and searching for jobs, i think, "am i even worthy or look good enough on paper to even get to the interview stage?"
but that's just it, these are thoughts in my head and nothing else. nothing has happened yet, and it's all talk until some action has taken place. with most things in life, feelings come and then they go.
simply talking about how i feel here is already occupying my mind elsewhere, and gives some relief to the seemingly endless rattling that is going on.
i guess my point is is to let whatever feelings that are going through you, flow. your feelings aren't there to hurt you, but are just more of an indicator that we are all human. not robots.
Great insight. I agree completely. Our feelings must be felt. And if we can remember that they are temporary and keep faith that things change, it is very helpful. I am a very emotional person who goes through lots of waves. As I get older I am better at being the observer of the self experiencing those waves, and I am less afraid or attached. And so I move through them more quickly. It can be challenging though. Great post. Thanks for sharing.
I also feel you shouldnt let other peoples actions allow you to feel bad or have bad feelings about yourself. The bad feelings you get from these actions should affect your day. Breath in...breath out.
You are developing a sharpened sense of self-awareness, so keep up the good fight!