Couldn't they use BlueWallet with your node as the LN custodian? IMO this would be better, because then they would need to trust a second party (you), rather than third party (WoS). This would also improve the privacy of both you and your children from third parties, since y'all would share the same LN node. You would also save the LN tx fees, since all the sats would stay on your node.
Yes, I tested with bluewallet. Unfortunately if lnbits and bluewallets with my lightning node stay in the same node then my payment did not go through. It seems like sending sats yourself (circular) with the same lightning node does not work. I am thinking of setup another lightning node, especially for it. Soon I will move out from custodian. It saves few sats on fees. I know WoS transaction fee is a little crazy. I opened a channel with them. It saves a few sats.
What LN node are you using? I don't get why it wouldn't work. Maybe I'll have to experiment on testnet a little.
LND Version - v0.14.3. If I change bluewallet to their node, it worked. Yup it means it did not allow me to create an invoice and pay yourself with the same node. I am happy to learn if you have any findings.
I was facing the same issue here and this was the solution for me: I've created LNbits wallets for myself (instead of using the LND lightning wallet) and the kids... Transfers among LNbits wallets in the same node won't incur in fees. You can connect their LNbits wallets to their phones using the Lndhub extension in LNbits + BlueWallet. Let me know if it works for you!
I love it. I just tested it with lnbits by creating 2 wallets. I could move sats between those two wallets without any issue. Yeahhhhh!! Selfcustody! Bluewallet... here I come. Thank you so much
Good idea. I never tried LNbit wallets to LNbitwallets. Let me try it now! Thanks
I do this with my nephew and use strike to send him sats instead.