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I go back and forth over what I think of the whole thing. Personally, though I just do not see a reason to mess with one because I am not exactly sure what good would come out of it. I had an ex though who messed with one and while its been years since I heard the story it went something like this.
She and her best friend messed with it in the basement and nothing happened and so they went to bed then your typical odd stuff started happening. Where the story gets weird though is her mom then goes on to tell me that she (the mom) and my ex then used it together and I want to say something like the word fire was spelled.
That freaked out the mom who then put it in their detached garage which then caught fire and burned down in the middle of the night less than a week later. The fire department said it was due to an electrical issue but the mom swears that the thing was either warning her about a the fire or that the thing itself caught fire and caused the whole thing. That was enough for me to just be like uhhh nope I don't need to mess with that stuff lol.
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Yeah, it's an odd thing for sure... There's heaps of stories like your's, which honestly have kept me at bay as well.
Yeah I figure why go looking for trouble ya know? Nothing good can come from it so why even go after it lol
Hm, I'd like to witness some "prove" in regards to the whole paranormal topic, but then again, I don't... 😜