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Data on politicians' stock portfolios to calculate live net worth estimates for members of Congress.
This is awesome.
The guy behind this account is a true MVP. I love how multiple times and across party lines even his work has been cited in the argument to ban Congressional Stock Trading
Wow, I bet they are all very rich. Especially after covid.
actually, the newer ones have less wealth, but I am sure with time they will be in the millions.
AOC has a net worth of 32k while earning 100k+ or something
Very typical, just like her ideology: Being irresponsible, senseless consumerism, if something goes wrong beg for daddy government instead of having a cushion and then complain about being oppressed on Twitter
Sandy Cortez grew up in Westchester County NY
Just like her ideology of setting oneself on fire to keep others warm
Actually she voted no on FISMA and on the Ukraine funding bills
According to this, Elizabeth Warren is not quite as rich as what bitcoin YouTube would have us believe. Am I maybe missing something?
She doesn't declare all her DOGE.
she needs to write some more anti-bitcoin letters to pump up her weak stack....
Shell companies in her husband and children’s name
Ah ha! I knew there’d be some clarification emerging at some point. I wonder if that site could incorporate that kind of data.
Wow, sort by net worth ascending. Lots of these people have barely any net worth. How do they survive? I see my congressman has triple the net worth of my favorite senator. The senator I hate has way more though :-)
sooo, for every new bill to fund wars or violence, they should pay 30% of their portfolios in unrealized gains and losses! 🤣 Let's see who will want to keep funding the wars then!
So insane that they're allowed to trade individual stocks and not just buy index funds.
well the cool thing is we can just copy-trade them..
That is really what I think should be done. The only exception I would have would be if you founded a company or something and so you have your stock there. That though should be stuck in a double-blind trust while the person is in office ie what Trump was supposed to do
It is not good. We must have a portfolio checker for the public as well.
I demand it as it's more than human rights.