Hey there, I'm Antun, based in Zagreb, Croatia. Proudly raising three little Bitcoiners. My fascination with Bitcoin has inspired me to kickstart the Bitcoin Ranch - Merenje project. Here, I'm dedicated to cultivating healthy organic food and crafting fine beer, all while building a vibrant Bitcoin HUB showcasing real-world applications of the Bitcoin economy.
Welcome antun !
Thank you
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 23 Apr
How the fook do you pronounce Merenje? lol Welcome buraz
Thank you Lux, you are the reason I'm here.
I'm dedicated to cultivating healthy organic food and crafting fine beer,
please make some nice posts on SN about how do you craft beer. I am a beer man... when you have time, I supposed you are really busy with your farm...
Beerserker Pale Ale
As promised, I'm here to share my recent brew day from last weekend. I'm excited to mention that after years of brewing in old beer kegs, I've upgraded to a Brewtools B 150 system 3 years ago. So my brew days more efficient and simple. But at the end you can brew beer in bath tub but magic happened in fermentation process...
I brewed approximately 120 liters of beer. 100 goes in main fermentor and with the rest I do some experiments. I began by grinding 17 kg of pale ale malt and 10 kg of pilsner malt. Additionally, I added 100 grams of chocolate malt for color.
To start, I heated 114 liters of mash water to 68 degrees Celsius. Once the temperature reached 68°C, I added around 27 kg of malt and mixed it for 5 minutes. I then allowed it to settle for 20 minutes before turning on the recirculation pump and mashing for 60 minutes. Following that, I sparged with 40 liters of water at 72 degrees Celsius.
Next, I boiled everything for 1 hour, adding 300 grams of Styrian Fox hops for the final 10 minutes. During the whirlpool stage at 80 degrees Celsius, I added another 300 grams of Styrian Fox hops and let it whirlpool for 20 minutes.
After cooling down to 25 degrees Celsius, I transferred the mixture to the fermenter and pitched 4 packs of SAFALE US-05 yeast. Now, I'm eagerly waiting for the magic to happen in the fermenter. It will stay there for around 2 weeks, and I plan to dry hop with 400 grams of Styrian Fox hops a few days after fermentation begins.
Stay tuned for updates and in meantime fell free to ask questions
Today I transferred the beer into kegs.
Nice! Bookmarked.
I will for sure.
Hello @antun 👋
Welcome to the platform!
It's full of quality content so read and learn, try to contribute by adding good content.
Here are some intro articles that you need to go through in order to get familiar with the platform and its ideology:
I stay open for any questions or comments you might have.
Welcome and beautiful county!
Thank you.
Welcome. 💚
Thank you.
Thank you
Welcome to SN ⚡️best of luck with the fundraising and with the ranch.
Thank you.
Welcome 🙏 aboard
Thank you
Welcome aboard!