You must know that what you are asking for is the destruction of any kind of progress for your country. There is absoletely zero chance you will encounter industrialization and your economies can rise if you are against CO2 and you brainwash your children with that deathly ideology. Your country needs petrol to function and prosper. If you are against that, it will happen that you would have fallen into the trap of globalists, whose real intentions are for countries like yours to never develop, so they can continue to rob your natural resources and have cheap labor force.
First of all, I am not against CO2 or industrialization for my country. I just want that we should plant more trees and make it greener and greener so as to remain in balance.
I hope you can understand that I have a balanced approach not one sided.
We, in India have solution and if you want to understand what is it? Just read this.
What I read on the posters held by the children is the typical CO2 propaganda. If you really plant trees that's good, but what I see you indoctrinate with the CO2 thing. Also, the plastic island theory is fake. Watch the video I sent to you before.
You're absolutely right in everything and I only opine that we just need to plant trees more and more.
Since my childhood I have planted more than 15000 trees by myself and we have a group where we have recently gone past 100k trees successfully planted and been adopted.
We do not plant trees for show off that we care for planet, pollution blah blah blah. But we do it because we love Nature.
We only plant tree when there's someone who is willing to adopt it and care for it forever. We also have online groups where these people regularly have to update about the growth of the plant. Also, mostly we plant those trees which are endangered or have some health benifits.
Recently we have successfully planted a Malabar Mahogany and I must tell you that this tree requires a lot more care than most other plants.
It is good to hear that, and please continue to plant trees. But please, remove that CO2 ideology from the class inmediatly and teach them to be critical and independent.
so keep planting trees and stop this bullshit propaganda. And FFS, leave the kids to breathe, those masks are doing more damage than good !
I told you they wore it for a local issue, that too for a few seconds...
It Has nothing to do with deindustrialize the country or stop using vehicles or stop this or that
No those maska are NOT protecting in any way, but making more damage than you think. First of all is making them obedient slaves, masks are the object that can damage psychologically that you cannot imagine. Secondly the whole shit they are exhaling will be retained by the masks and back again into their respiration. THOSE KIDS WILL BE SICK FOREVER AND FORCING THEM TO WEAR A MASK YOU ARE THEIR KILLER.
Why are you wearing mask then? Why are you hiding here on SN? Challenge everything you see and Be the change.
you are an idiot comparing my avatar with a real living man...