The last time I saw a doctor I told him I did power yoga 4 days/week and he asked "why don't you do 5 days/week" implying yoga wasn't really exercise. "You should lift weights" he grunted.
The male perception of yoga is a lot like the female perception of weight lifting. For some reason we started gendering exercise types. To be fair though, it's not super masculine (by a narrow definition) for a man to arch his back, snap his head back, and let his hair hang in the wind as he dances on an oversized scarf to Enya.
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For some reason we started gendering exercise types.
This sparked a lot of interesting thoughts in me that are all half-baked, but I hope get cooked all the way someday.
I think the idea of "masculine" exercise needing to be expressions of aggression is a narrow-minded perspective of the human experience.