Hey @pako!
I think you're maybe in a stage like mine (I don't know if you saw my 2 posts here).
"I love Bitcoin, but I hate bitcoiners" is what I say lately. I cannot believe we have to witness what we're witnessing. We've passed from saying that Monero is a shitcoin, to saying that the future of Bitcoin scaling is using a token that a guy minted in his basement with his raspberry, and that it needs to be integrated in every wallet. Now you only need to wait for the guy to have a broken SD card, or in the bigger cases, the FEDs to raid his home and take all the electronics. Boom! Money lost. So much for scaling Bitcoin!
I've never used Monero up to today, but I will use it before using eCash tokens or Fedi. That's for sure!
I think in the end, most bitcoiners are here not because of the freedom (the cypherpunk way), but because of the NgU. You only have to see big OGs shilling ETFs, Microstrategy stock, or "$1M before end of year". It's so frustrating, and makes you think if people proposing other advanced scaling solutions are wrong, or we're wrong because we've been following the wrong people... right?
Spot on!
It's pretty frustrating, I've seen groups of idiots on the internet before, the closes to these people were the GNU fanatics back in 2009, but at least those dogmatic idiots knew what they were talking about when it came to privacy and privative software.
Now, a faction of Bitcoiners have become a suicide cult whose only god is NgU, and it doesn't matter how ugly it gets, NgU es the only thing that matters, thsat's why they follow idiots like Saifedean and Saylor telling them that not using Bitcoin is a usecase and that they should take their money with them to the grave.
It's furstrating to see that they are all calling Vlad a paid enemy of Bitcoin because he is doing a great job a dismantling the narrative and interviewing dissidents, they are trying to cancel Ray because he said "Maybe Roger was right" when he realized that P2P Bitcoin is dying, and the worst part is that now they are justifying Saylor's "MoE is a distraction" and even justifying that he didn't allow one of the ETFs to donate Bitcoin open source development with the most stupid excuses I've ever heard in my life, I would rather have them say "Yes, we are all midwits who have no idea what they are all talking about, and we all think that The Bitcoin Standard is the best book ever written, so it's NgU over everything, fuck the cypherpunk ethos".
Yeah, you can only say "MoE is a distraction" if you only use Bitcoin like "just another asset, which is a very good asset because it's designed for NgU". And we have one here in Spain saying the same in YT channels, conferences and TVs...
Bitcoin can only give you freedom if you're able to use it without permission, and when cash is banned. So you MUST be able to SPEND it. If the distopic situation happens, and all the on/off-ramps are closed, wtf are you going to do with your "asset", even if you have it in a cold wallet? What are you going to do with your "asset" when they tell you "500 grams maximum meat a month per person"?. "You can always move to another country where Bitcoin is not forbidden". Yeah, but people cannot fucking move when they want. We have families, we have jobs, we have friends. I don't want to move to the other side of the world with my "asset" to be able to feed my children...
I agree here with Gregg Foss: this is not about me getting rich. I could have that if BTC does a x20 again... This is about our children. I want to die peacefully knowing that there is a new world of freedom, and that my children will have a good life, irrespective of who is ruling the country. By the way, Saylor does not have children, and I think the same is true for our national Saylor...