Since embracing Bitcoin, the number 21 seems to follow me everywhere. From the 21 million Bitcoin limit to significant personal events like starting my relationship on the 21st, I encounter this number regularly. Perhaps you've experienced something similar, noticing a specific number like 11:11 on the clock or elsewhere. Does this hold deeper significance, or is it mere coincidence?
Some believe certain numbers carry spiritual or symbolic meanings, interpreting their frequent appearances as messages from higher powers. Personally, I'm neither fully convinced nor skeptical, though it's hard to dismiss the repeated occurrence of 21 in recent years. Its presence coincides with significant personal growth and positive life changes.
Whether attributed to mystical forces or simply the power of suggestion, believing in the significance of numbers can enhance one's experience of life. Have you, fellow stackers, encountered similar patterns with specific numbers? Do you believe these numbers hold deeper meanings, or is it a product of our minds' selective attention and biases?
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 21 Apr
I've always noticed the number 3 and 7777 for some reason.
Number 3 huh! Interesting! Wonder if that number has some sort of significance?
Don’t laugh but I watched a Japanese show. A guest said how he puts a Japanese dollar note (with the last digit being 9) upside down in his wallet because this makes money harder to escape from his possession. So I did that.
Then since 8 is a lucky number in Chinese culture, I also put a dollar note with the last digit being 8 upside down in my wallet haha
When I first heard about the 11:11 thing, I thought it was ridiculous. Then something happened and I opened up to synchronicity. Now I see special numbers all day everyday. And I have gotten into numerology. To me, 21 is a 3. A alchemical number. And to me Bitcoin is a huge shift in consciousness. Not a coincidence to me.