This is the last chapter of The Final Product, you may want to go back to Chapter 1 or start at the beginning.


The Aliens introduced telepathic communication—teeping, as the Martians called it—shortly after the Investigator expedition departed. There were a few minor biological challenges, of which I will say more shortly. But, they were quickly worked out and the Aliens were ready to launch their new product. As usual, their first move was to approach Barrow.
‘We’d like to give you something,’ said an Alien.
‘A gift,’ said another.
'It only takes 18 seconds...and it's painless,'1 said a third Alien.
‘I am most honored,’ said Barrow.
‘Please follow us.’
They led him through a door in the back of the saucer. He was standing before a table in a clean, wedge-shaped operating room which was illuminated with a pale blue light.2 Three or more Aliens stood behind the table. There was thick silence.3
After he was placed on the table, his shoes were taken off and his pants pulled down slightly.4 The Aliens instructed Barrow to lay on his side with his knees pulled up to his chest.
Then one of the Aliens showed Barrow an enormous and extremely ugly object, gray and scaly, with a sort of network of wires on the end. It was at least a foot long, narrow, and triangular in structure,5 resembling a wire whisk.6 The instrument, of course, was a hoopajoop.7
Initially, the unfortunate Martian anatomy had baffled the Aliens, but the Aliens did not send their first customers home in failure.8 Instead, they made this proposition to them: if you will let us do some tests, we will agree not to endanger your lives, and will not charge you for our new product.9
The difficulty was in seeing where to place the Parasite, which, of course, enabled teeping. It was during the thirtieth operation performed on one of the Martians,10 when their agony was extreme,11 that the Aliens recognized that the job would be much easier if they could spread open the anus to a greater degree. The hoopajoop was perfectly obvious from that very moment.12 It took some weeks to design and manufacture a prototype. After the Martians had recovered entirely from the effects of the previous, unfortunate experiments, the Aliens put them on the table13 and, utilizing the hoopajoop saw everything as no Alien had ever seen before.14 And so, it can truly be said that the hoopajoop opened the world of telepathy to the Martians.
The Aliens inserted the hoopajoop into Barrow, and cranked it open. He gasped as the hoopajoop was passed deeper into his rectum and Barrow felt that they left an implant or an information chip inside of him.15
Chapter 3 tomorrow, same time, same place.


  1. Sugar...only 18 calories per teaspoon, and it's all energy. Sugar Information, Inc. 1966*
  2. He was standing before a table in a clean, wedge-shaped "operating room" which was illuminated with a pale blue light. Walter N Webb, A Dramatic UFO Encounter in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, The Hill Case - Sept. 19-20, 1961 11 September 1965
  3. There was thick silence. The man now stood over our table, staring at it as if dreaming. William B Seabrook, Magic Island 1929
  4. After he was placed on the table, his shoes were taken off and his pants pulled down slightly. Walter N Webb, A Dramatic UFO Encounter in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, The Hill Case - Sept. 19-20, 1961 11 September 1965
  5. The next thing I knew I was being shown an enormous and extremely ugly object, gray and scaly, with a sort of network of wires on the end. It was at least a foot long, narrow, and triangular in structure. Whitley Strieber, Communion 1987
  6. After this, they conduct a rectal examination. They use a variety of instruments, one of which resembles a small wire whisk. David M Jacobs, Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions 1992
  7. That's when they put this big metal hoopajoop up your butt. South Park, “Catman Gets an Anal Probe” 13 August 1997
  8. I did not send Lucy home, and I wrote to her master that I would retain her there. James Marion Sims, The Story of My Life 1884
  9. Then I made this proposition to the owners of the negroes: if you will give me Anarcha and Betsey for experiment, I agree to perform no experiment or operation on either of them to endanger their lives, and will not charge a cent for keeping them, but you must pay their taxes and clothe them. James Marion Sims, The Story of My Life 1884
  10. This was the thirtieth operation performed on Anarcha. James Marion Sims, The Story of My Life 1884
  11. Lucy's agony was extreme. James Marion Sims, The Story of My Life 1884
  12. The speculum, or retractor, was perfectly clear from the very beginning. James Marion Sims, The Story of My Life 1884
  13. After she had recovered entirely from the effects of this unfortunate experiment, I put her on a table. James Marion Sims, The Story of My Life 1884
  14. I saw everything, as no man had ever seen before. James Marion Sims, The Story of My Life 1884
  15. The tube was passed deeper into his rectum and Peter felt that they left 'an implant' or 'an information chip' inside of him. John E Mack, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens 2009
The Aliens inserted the hoopajoop into Barrow, and cranked it open. He gasped as the hoopajoop was passed deeper into his rectum