What do the billionaire and the beggar have in common? What do the young and the old have in common? What do you and I have in common? We all have 24 hours in a day. And the difference is, is what we choose to do with each of those 24 hours. Now, you could say, “Well, circumstances happen, Doug. And it’s actually not in my control.” This is a harsh reality that there are so many things, including time, that do not make distinction. Your engagement with time has made you what you're now.
You can find many people who complain about not having time, as if time were less or more distinctively. But, I believe that complaining for either of time or circumstances is just a deflection from reality.
What do you say?
Do you believe that by using our time religiously you can be whatever you want to become in life?
Or, you think that time is just superficial and other aspects of life impact humans more than time?
It's depends on your prayority n circumstances on your daily routine... thanks
Haha, the spelling of priority...you're awesome man!!
Hahaha hahaha hahaha 🤣😂🤣😂
Very true👍