I’m not saying Adam invented bitcoin.
I’m saying he invented proof of work which Satoshi incorporated.
Have you seen the email correspondence between Adam and Satoshi?
Yes, I have, I've been obsessed with Bitcoin as much as any other bitcoiner for years, but I'm failing to understand what does it have to do with anything.
You’re the one who wrote Adam is not Satoshi.
You brought it up.
I never said Adam invented bitcoin
Because it is one thing that people use to justify Liquid as an "L2" as if being "ethical" was some kind of silver bullet that will justify all technical shortcomings and bogus claims.
Ethical in what context?
I don’t understand what context you are referring to
Are you implying that Adam is not technical and lacks credibility?
In the context of Laser Eye Maximalism or Saifedean and Saylor apologism.
Liquid doesn't have a native token and it doesn't run on Ethereum, so it's "ethical" because it doesn't do the so called "FIAT things".
Those are the claims I've hear some people say to justify Liquid as a scaling solution when its as much of a Layer 2 as Base is to Ethereum.