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Regarding "Kona Blue". I have been away from normal connectivity so I have been slow to digest this. Here is what I have.
My position on UFO/UAP has been solidly consistent for the last several years:
A) I was previously simple wrong that there was nothing to this story. I have no interest in denying my error.
B) There were almost certainly secret programs hidden within the US Federal Government that have been denied that were addressed to the topic of UFOs.
C) There is, as yet, no hard public scientific proof that any of these programs have anything to do with actual recovered craft or 'biologics' or Non-Human Intelligence or Aliens.
D) There is a history of fakery in warfare and national security that could explain this.
E) High level physicists like John Wheeler, Bryce DeWitt, Louis Witten, Pascal Jordan, Herman Bondi, etc were previously part of some bizarre secret anti-gravity efforts related to UFO programs that birthed our common era of Quantum Gravity.
F) Quantum Gravity, at least publicly, does not appear to work by historical standards in its 71 year history.
G) This is totally non-controversial scientifically but pointing this out leads to bizarre reputational attacks.
H) There is some connection inside the US government from UFO/UAP to occult like interest in angels/demons/consciousness/"remote viewing" which makes the whole thing sound like nonsense. This may be intentional to discredit interest from those not read in to the special access programs.
I) There appear to be essentially no high level physicists involved in a supposed area of national security that hinges on phenomena that supposedly defy physical law. This is itself a MAJOR clue that gets little attention.

With "Kona Blue" disclosed, I am relieved that I would appear to be proven correct on many of the above points. I was not early here, but I did not overclaim either and admitted my main error. I can also reasonably claim that I was early among PhDs with relevant backgrounds regarding relations to physics.
The above points A)-I) are pretty much what one concludes when a sober person with historical awareness confronts the reality of a completely insane corner of national security. I stand by all of the above statements no matter how nutty they sound, or how conservative they sound to different parties. This is simply the state of the situation if you are not a UFO enthusiast or debunker. It's totally embarrassing for our nation and made a deliberately unresolvable question as to what is going on. That is not an accident. It is by design. It's really just unconscionable that we are here.
We look like the Keystone Cops.
I agree. It helps keep the population looking in the wrong direction and sow discontent and mistrust. Classic moves.