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Somebody's gotta land this thing.
‘Captain, how soon can you land?’
‘I can't tell.’
‘You can tell me. I'm a doctor.’
‘No. I mean I'm just not sure.’
‘Well, can't you take a guess?’
‘Well, not for another two hours.’
‘You can't take a guess for another two hours?’
When I saw your post I started thinking somebody has to land this crazy rune thing.
I don’t know anything about Runes if I’m honest. Should I look into them for the purpose of being better informed?
Not really. Just ordinals/inscriptions like crap that are driving transaction fees through the roof. Hopefully the children will get bored soon and stop playing with their new toy.
these are not just toys. Are a sophisticated attack to create congestion on the network and make it hardly usable. Absolutely nobody is using those crap.
i realize basically none of you know how this shit works
Neither do you! You know, I think people might be getting what they deserve. A fool and his bitcoin are soon parted.
Shitcoin-themed chicanery… they will get bored and we can all go back to normal then. Thanks for the synopsis.