Do you see what this shitcoinery has wrought? An utter destruction of value.
The only silver lining is the redistribution of wealth from newer Bitcoin holders to long term miners.
Nobody using the Bitcoin protocol is celebrating right now. This spam is severely limiting the usefulness of the satoshi.
Value is subjective.
You could use lightning? LN coming under pressure because of high fees is good for Bitcoin.
I tried to use lightning today. I had to transfers my payments through to SN THEN to WoS in order to pay for a tshirt from good guy Jack Mallers. (insufficient global liquidity), My payments couldn't find a route because IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE TO OPEN NEW CHANNELS. Do you not understand this? This stupid bullshit has to stop soon. Its fucking shit up in way that you children cannot understand. This site runs on lightning. This site could not make a $20 payment today to jacks payment gateway. I had to manually route it via the largest psuedobank, WoS.
This bullshit is fucking up real value in places where strike is actually needed. I have a friend in Africa right now trying to Orange Pill people about Bitcoin, and you stupid motherfuckers are penny stock bidding on fucking strings for hundreds of dollars a pop. Do you know how fucking far those sats could go in a small community running on lighting?
Get a life, get a clue and fuck all spammers.
Could not have said it better.
sounds broken.
just hodl bro. low time preference
Um frustrating