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Hey there,
I've an umbrel node with CLN, and since few days is refusing to start. I've restarted the node multiple times but the Core Lightning app continue being in a "Starting..." state!
Anything I could try from the terminal with ssh commands?
Is Bitcoin Core fully Synced?
Yes fully synced and running. Can I get the logs of core-lightning somehow?
I've v23.08-hotfix-1 running
Did you upgrade to Bitcoin Core 27?
No I still running umbrel 0.5.4 and no updates are available for Bitcoin core, currently on v26.0.0
SOLVED! Today the node just restarted working correctly 🤷 Don't ask me how!
this is the log from umbrel:

Attaching to core-lightning_tor_server_1, core-lightning_c-lightning-rest_1, core-lightning_app_proxy_1, core-lightning_app_1, core-lightning_lightningd_1, core-lightning_tor_1
app_1               | 2024/04/19 16:28:29 socat[23994] E connect(5, AF=1 "/root/.lightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc", 40): Connection refused
app_1               | 
app_1               | Waiting for lightningd
app_1               | 2024/04/19 16:28:30 socat[23999] E connect(5, AF=1 "/root/.lightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc", 40): Connection refused
app_1               | 
app_1               | Waiting for lightningd
app_1               | 2024/04/19 16:28:30 socat[24004] E connect(5, AF=1 "/root/.lightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc", 40): Connection refused
app_1               | 
app_1               | Waiting for lightningd
app_1               | 2024/04/19 16:28:31 socat[24010] E connect(5, AF=1 "/root/.lightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc", 40): Connection refused
app_proxy_1         | yarn run v1.22.19
app_proxy_1         | $ node ./bin/www
app_proxy_1         | [HPM] Proxy created: /  ->
app_proxy_1         | Waiting for to open...
c-lightning-rest_1  |     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/lightning-client-js.js:80:23)
c-lightning-rest_1  |     at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)
c-lightning-rest_1  |     at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:157:8)
c-lightning-rest_1  |     at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:122:3)
c-lightning-rest_1  |     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) {
c-lightning-rest_1  |   errno: -111,
c-lightning-rest_1  |   code: 'ECONNREFUSED',
c-lightning-rest_1  |   syscall: 'connect',
c-lightning-rest_1  |   address: '/root/.lightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc'
c-lightning-rest_1  | }
lightningd_1        | Core-Lightning starting
lightningd_1        | 2024-04-18T19:04:22.308Z UNUSUAL plugin-clnrest.py: Killing plugin: timed out before replying to getmanifest
lightningd_1        | 2024-04-18T19:04:22.308Z **BROKEN** plugin-clnrest.py: Plugin marked as important, shutting down lightningd!
tor_1               | Apr 19 07:03:47.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 112505 (consensus network-status fetch); 18363 (authority cert fetch); 193674 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1               | Apr 19 07:59:14.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 725 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60264ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [4 similar message(s) suppressed in last 6000 seconds]
tor_1               | Apr 19 13:03:47.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor's uptime is 18:00 hours, with 9 circuits open. I've sent 11.13 MB and received 21.83 MB. I've received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I've made 25 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1               | Apr 19 13:03:47.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 679228 (consensus network-status fetch); 9294 (authority cert fetch); 12000310 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1               | Apr 19 13:03:47.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 177763 (consensus network-status fetch); 31419 (authority cert fetch); 287566 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1               | Apr 19 13:28:26.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 1027 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60264ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway.
tor_1               | Apr 19 14:59:33.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 1103 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60264ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [1 similar message(s) suppressed in last 5520 seconds]
tor_1               | Apr 19 16:08:39.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 1188 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60264ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [1 similar message(s) suppressed in last 4200 seconds]
lightningd_1        | Can't recover from plugin failure, terminating.
It's important to know what was the step you do to get to this state, do you remember anything unusual?
lightningd_1 | 2024-04-18T19:04:22.308Z **BROKEN** plugin-clnrest.py
I have no idea of Umbrel, but I will try to check one component at a time... according to that line, there is some issues with a CLN plugin, possible a connection issue. Is there any way to start the components one by one?
1- Start BTC core 2- Check all ports are listening 3- Start CLN
Thanks for the details, I was trying to find the exact code to restart specific apps by ssh but I could not find it. It must be something like:
  1. sudo ~umbrel/core-lightning stop
  2. sudo ~umbrel/core-lightning start
Can anyone confirm?