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your friendly bitcoin researcher \ n/a or Remote \ @VzxPLnHqr 18 Apr 2024 jobs
Want to earn some quick sats and help out with some fundamental bitcoin research? This should be pretty easy, it is just tedious. Here is what I need:
I don't follow the "bitcoin cash" (BCH) network at all (I am bitcoin mainchain only!), but in this case for the research I am doing, I need some data from at least one of these networks which shares the sha256d PoW algorithm with bitcoin, so BCH it is!
Specifically, what I am looking for is somebody to write a simple script that pulls the following data and gives it to me in a csv:
for a given time stamp x (say between late 2017 and now), the data I need is: x := the time stamp B := the next mainchain block reward (in sats) b := the next bch block reward (in bch-sats or whatever bch people call their smallest unit) T := the mainchain nBits target at time x t := the bch nBits target at time x p := the bch price (ideally in mainchain sats, or in usd)
I think you might need to pull from a couple sources, but it is all definitely available somewhere! Here are a couple sites that collectively have what I need: BitinfoCharts, CoinWarz, CoinMarkecap
Interested? Please email me!
Thanks, I'll see what I kind of results I can get.