Perception is everything.
I was talking with a friend the other day about "picking someone up from the airport" back in 80s-90s.
For those who don't know....your friend would call you the night before and tell you the flight and time of their arrival. You would drive to airport, park and walk inside to meet them at their gate. In those days there was no security insanity, you could just walk up to the gate as people were de-planning (it was very popular to "meet at the bar" and you would be having a beer waiting for their plane to arrive).
These days, you say "text me when you land", then you time your arrival to airport such that as soon as they are walking out to the pickup area you are driving parking needed.
Without a doubt these days is more efficient. Probably the ordeal is done is 50% of the time you used to need. However, which one was a more "enjoyable" experience? Hard to say to be honest but I feel like its the former? Is that my memory playing tricks on me?
Los Angeles airport is a nightmare especially at night.
It wasn’t always this way.
Most of the nightmare is TSA 9-11 nonsense. Kabuki theater pretending to be security.