Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 17 Apr
Bitcoin only 🤙Onward
“Niches are opportunities in space; cycles are opportunities in time.”
  • Bill Mollison
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Jer 17 Apr
Dorothy never got her due!
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Jer 17 Apr
The Blue Jays look like a baseball team again!
I ate some al pastor tacos that were much spicier than expected.
BUT I also learned a new way to play the D chord on the ukulele that is much easier on my clumsy fingers.
MS. Webb is fucking awesome!
Would territory owners entertain this offer
Give me 20k sats and I'll post exclusively on your Territory for a month granted the posting fee remains 100 and I create at least 2 posts a day.
Would be cool to have something like a cowboy hat that represents you didn't screw over another stacker in one of those deals.
Territory owners would outsource the content curation to stackers that are incintivized to post pertinent and valuable information to freaks.
I wonder if a stacker enthused with legos, would like being approached by the lego territory, handing him 20k sats and telling him to post twice a day for a month.
I'd pay a Nix expert to post and conduct AMA's and whatnot
A territory economics update along with the referral update would probably make the above look juicier.
It feels like it's perfectly healthy to do that outside of the territory itself. Sponsorships, exclusivity contracts, and other deals in that vain would be interesting!
Thought about something along these lines for ~UFOs, to encourage high quality writeups on cases and start an archive here on SN.
You'd get a tinfoil hat instead lol!
67 sats \ 10 replies \ @k00b 16 Apr
I usually want eclectic playlists of good music but struggle to find them because most playlists have a theme affecting track choices. Even a playlist designed to be eclectic are affected due to the picker's opinion of "good."
The best such playlist I've found in Apple's "Made for Spatial Audio" presumably because it's selection process has less to do with theme or taste and more to do with idk interestingness? It seems to have less opinion on music type.
Idk what the lesson is but I think there's a lesson there. (I could also just be more satisfied by spatial audio.)
You can make a playlist with the shares from the music territory.
not your playlists, not your music. Why not use winamp and make your own playlists? People nowadays depends too much of online music. And that is wrong behavior.
Would take too long to send the man these. And would probably never get them back. No offense @koob
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 16 Apr
I'd love to have enough knowledge of music to create my own, but I'm a one trick pony. :)
Hopefully playlists on Wavlake take off. Vitor said something on nostr about how we should be able to group members of our social graph into distinct categories. You might not need to know TheWildHustle’s thoughts on OP_CAT, but you might want his influence in your future wavlake feed.
And if being a one trick pony led you to bitcoin and creating stacker news…..TheWildHustle is joining the rodeo.
TheWildHustle could make you an amazing playlist. What are some of your favorite, artists, bands, songs, albums etc.
I trust TheWilldHustle could make an amazing playlist!
But my problem is that I don't really have favorites. At base, I mostly want surprise (over a certain quality threshold).
The answer is TheWildHustle's "recently listened" tab in apple music.
I'm putting something together now, how many songs do you want on the list?
Has there been any discussion here of the issues using Core Lightning's pay command?
I'm finding it impossible to have payments routed, even very small.
I'll add a bit more detail, in case it's relevant to anyone:
  • payments were fine until a few weeks ago
  • amounts up to $100 were going through without any problem
  • started to experience very occasional failures, no discernable patterns
  • checked my channels, all appear to be healthy
  • failures more frequent a few weeks ago
  • recently updated, not a single successful payment since
  • tried small payments today (2500-20000 sats) to two big nodes (SN, Bitrefill), no way through
  • tried experimental renepay plugin, same problem then quickly crashed
  • error is 210 on both pay and renepay, messages include WIRE_INCORRECT_CLTV_EXPIRY, "failreason": "We don't have any channels"
  • nothing unusual using decodepay
And to update one last time, this seems ok now after sorting out the new update. I think it was gossip related too as mentioned in an Issue.
amounts up to $100 were going through without any problem
TIL: CLN is using dollars instead of sats I wonder how you are going to stuff a bunch of dollar bills through a LN channel.
Firstly, I assure you that wasn't bait set in the hope of a reply like this from your good self.
I am aware of your arguments, and somewhat convinced, but I'll tell you my approach and logic.
Putting aside the relative merits and the issue of money as opposed to credit, I'll turn to the unit of account aspect. I first discussed getting used to a new unit of account with people in the Eurozone when they lost their national currencies.
For the most part, they would say there was a kind of stealthy inflation imposed by many retailers around the switchover, that for some time they would always convert back like people on holiday do, and over time they would gradually stop. There were some interesting exceptions like visiting a retailer they hadn't been to for a long time and since the change.
When I started to use bitcoin, I felt a similar process was underway and quite relaxed about it. I have a sense of prices of some things in sats very effortlessly. For larger amounts, I think in bitcoin more easily, though with more effort, a bit like speaking a foreign language.
I find not forcing a change in my way of thinking makes the process more pleasurable and I quite enjoy feeling aware of the gradual shift. I don't take steroids to force a change quickly either, both decisions feel quite similar to me.
Regarding the money vs credit issue, it shows up clearly when you have a look at old invoices and match them up to that shift in how natural it comes. I do consider gold as money as well and broadly agree with what Alasdair Macleod says on the subject in his research notes of late.
Their retailer has pricing in both money and credit on the product page with updates every few seconds. I think it a good example for retailers who accept bitcoin, and that they're relaxed about it too because they know the debt-based figure is only going one way.
Trying out a new dentist and of course they say I have a cavity.
Back on the freebies….
@ek ‘s just a poor boy, nobody loves him’
He's clearly blowing all of our zaps on balaclavas and sun glasses.
50 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 16 Apr
Maybe we need a top freebie section
We are k00b. Prepare to be assimilated.
If I start simulating you, aren't you the one who gets assimilated?
Plot hole
@DarthCoin spotted in istanbul. 😂
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Zed 16 Apr
This needs to be said more. Everyone (including me) have been letting this shit go on for too long.
80 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 76 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
131 sats \ 3 replies \ @gnilma 16 Apr
Good morning stackers.
Day 79 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
The way Bitcoin was rising last month I was a little concerned the challenge might end soon but look like we have a pre-halving sell off which means we probably have at least a few more months, maybe 6, to go.
81 sats \ 1 reply \ @gnilma 16 Apr
Bitcoin always does the unexpected. Remember how everyone was so sure we will hit $100k in the last bull? I don't think anyone can predict when or how we will get to $100k, but we will get there.
We go 150 till $150k after hitting that?
Sounds good to me.
Went out to a baseball game with a work friend last night. He covered all the rideshare costs and told me how much I owe him which is $60.
I told him I can $60 via Zelle or I can send him $100 in bitcoin and if bitcoin drops 40% he can cash out and still be okay.
He took the bitcoin!
Now should I set him up with a KYC exchange or just use a quick mobile wallet like envoy that backs up to the cloud
Very nice. Did you go see the Bisons?
Naw D backs ticket was $31 so not bad
Oh you are in AZ. Nice. It was a good game. I was watching a bit of that after the Blue Jays/Yankees game ended.
Yeah. We left before the game ended my friend was shocked to learn about the extra innings rules that puts a base runner on second.
But this was the first time I watched a game since they added the pitch clock and it’s crazy how fast the game goes now
Day 120 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 643 sats on 15Apr2024! Running total: 80,750 sats!
Morning Freaks,
I'm currently fiat mining and listening to WBD with Oscar Merry.
The killer app of nostr is the social graph, it can be used for grocery shopping, banking, dating, freelancing etc.
Thanks, Hustle
My daughter (6 years old): "Google knows everything, except how the universe was created 🙄."
Day 81 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x25 normal/narrow, 3x11 pike, 16 pseudo Total: 149 (Day 185 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 84 of 120+ pushups per day)
92 sats \ 5 replies \ @Cje95 16 Apr
Whose ready for the US to pump tens of billions of dollars out the door this week?!
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 16 Apr
He did forget Taiwan tho! They getting a few bil as well!
System working as expected.
The one that caught me off guard reading the GOP Supplemental Memo from the GOP Conference last night was the Submarine Industrial Base $$$ you can see below
New here and just finding my feet! Nostr has opened up a whole new world!
Thank you! Its a pleasure to meet you! It seems really friendly here so far!
I'm going to attempt a haiku about something I just noticed @ek
Again, stars align Two hundredth day with the hat.. What day will it be?
Saturday, April 20, 2024
61 sats \ 8 replies \ @Zed 16 Apr
I am fascinated by the idea that a disinflationary monetary system could help prevent mass war.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @mo 16 Apr
... until you understand that are 2 of the many instruments of the same machine
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Zed 16 Apr
Can you expand on what you are saying? Not sure I grasp what you mean.
25 sats \ 5 replies \ @Cje95 16 Apr
Okay you got my attention! You have any articles you can point me to to read about this it sounds fascinating!
It's the flip side of noting that governments rely on inflation to fund their wars. Before fiat money, wars were much smaller scale.
31 sats \ 3 replies \ @Zed 16 Apr
I’m at work give me some time and I’ll look one up to post.
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @Cje95 16 Apr
appreciate it!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Zed 16 Apr
At lunch, couldn’t really find a good one. The breakdown is this: If you can print your own money then you have an unlimited supply to go to war with. Bitcoin standard would force their hand. With a finite supply everyone would be less wasteful.
Ah! Yeah that would make a lot of sense and def would but an enormous and quick halt to all the extra spending!
GM Stackers! ⚡🧡☕
Stack Sats and stay humble.
Absolutely not! With a bit more patience, she'll be able to purchase the candy factory 😂
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Zed 16 Apr
Morning! @TNStacker have a good day!
You, too @kicker!
Good morning my friend!!! Monday is done and gone and now Tuesday has begun, make sure you've got your eye on the prize with your weekly goal set and ready, you've got this my friend, week is feeling like it's going to be a fast one, so get your strategies set and let's work on them, one at a time, may your day be incredible and filled with success, productivity and joy in what you do, I'm proud of you and I know you will do wonders let's do this!!! Be well my good friend and stay frosty.
I found this on nostr:
Even if Bitcoin could support infinite transactions at zero cost, I suspect over half of the world would still prefer to use some form of bank or ETF wrapper. That’s not a knock on Bitcoin, it’s a knock on ourselves.
Day 367 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
@orthwyrm: Would be competing in a bouldering competition next week. The set up is <30ft tall and is a free fall into deep water without a rope. Should be fun!
Have any tips for a noob?
How much experience do you have?
Would recommend practicing with indoor bouldering to start with so you get used to your grip strength, distributing body weight, and importantly how to fall safely.
I've never done outdoors (assuming this competition is over a lake or something). Those surfaces could be slippery with all the moisture in the air... I'd bring some spare chalk in case it gets damp. Maybe test your shoes when damp too and ensure they maintain grip.
60 sats \ 3 replies \ @mango 17 Apr
I have zero experience but have climbed a coconut tree few years back. The organizer is a friend so doing it for the fun.
True, it'd be slippery coz its humid af here. Was thinking of doing it bare foot, i have a five finger vibram- think that'd be better?
Hmm, would be tempted to do it barefoot as you can feel the surface better!
Climbing shoes have hardened fronts that offer good support on small ledges, but vibrams won't get you that...
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @mango 17 Apr
Cool. Thnx for that. Doing barefoot then, not going to sell sats to buy a climbing shoe for one event. :)
Haha yes, they can be pretty pricey too!
250 sats \ 0 replies \ @mango 16 Apr
Day 148 of horseposting
Horse stance: 1 minute x 3 sets
501 blocks to go!
patience ends up paying off!
Hello Stackers!
9 days til the NFL draft!
There's still time to sign up for the SN Stacker_Sports fantasy football league. See this post for details #473247
Let's have some fun this season!
After I learnt how to create a table in Markdown thanks to @Oxbitcoiner, I went on to write this article that has been lingering at the back of my mind. Feeling powerful despite a hard day of slogging. Funny how learning one little thing makes the difference
does he get the joke? 😂😂😂😂
I don’t! Pls tell me
me using table to write down ingredients, few 😂
Domates SalçasıDomatesNane
Biber SalçasıSalatalıkKekik
Love these tables lol
53 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 16 Apr
@k00b had the idea to use markdown tables to frame images
just like @0xbitcoiner just did
Great minds think alike 😂
markdown is amazing!
but isn't feel a bit fix?
why not be like ghost, and it's open source - open to be digged 👀
Yes you light up my life
136 sats \ 1 reply \ @az 16 Apr
deleted by author
Well deserved! Haha
Good morning stackers, I'm a little sick, I can't get my hat because of that! I hope to recover and come back with everything
Mulch day. Got to get out the tiller. In theory, I love getting the garden prepped. In practice, I would rather sit around and check SN.
😂 You can do both things at the same time
I can't walk and chew gum at the same time. I'll probably till my feet.
I should have taken notes so I can remember them all.
Nostr market is a real "Silk Road on steroids" that many still didn't realize it yet.
This is the way
wow this is really good ! Very nicely explained.
Day 16 of my daily posting journey in the MSM era. previously: #506276 🤠⚡

The past few years for me, not sure if it is because of Bitcoin or a mix of everything, it's like a journey of going back to what's real; so we were born and being taught how to blend into the modern society: go to school then get a job, work till 65yr then you can retire...But did you ever question of why do you need to deal with people you don't like so to earn money or why someone else did nothing yet getting a big cut out of your work? You slowly realize the matrix, and the good news is seeing the problem is the first step to solving it!
Then, you start to figure out how to exit ( Bitcoin is a powerful tool ) and learn how to stay away from "modern products": from the food you eat, tools that you use, or even the values that are fed to you, much verifying yet rewarding at the same time. And once you take good care of the shelter, food, and all the necessities, then you have all the time to work on something you love and spend time with people you like:)
and the best way of learning is solving your own problem.
90 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 16 Apr
... by playing ;)
solving problems is playing for me - finding out the unconventional solutions, much thrilling. 👀