That's a great idea. I look forward to hearing more from you. I would like to do the same but I don't know if I am ready to make the commitment yet. Still debating on whether I want to keep this territory also. I feel a bit of an obligation to be active here and I haven't felt as called to it as I was hoping.
Wouldn’t you know? I just posted on your territory for the first time. This was before I read this comment. Haha. Maybe the Universe is giving you a signal through me.
Have you achieved what you wanted to accomplish with your territory? If you managed to say your piece, no harm giving it up.
In a sense, I am surprised that there is any interest there and I feel pretty good about what has happened in the first month. Also, I have so much that I want to share here. I have a lot of big ideas. When I sit down to write about them, I get overwhelmed. And I feel I could share the ideas in other territories. I am not sure that I really need to have one that I am heading up. Thanks for the post. I liked it.
I for one am grateful for the space you have created!