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There's absolutely no reason to get into a long essay about this subject. I am going to drop one thing on you that proves the point, we are in the roaring twenties.
Judge for yourself.
Bark Air - $6000 private chartered flights for dogs. I shit you not.
110%. I've been calling this for many years.
After 2024 election, underage stock market investing will explode (along with other things). It'll be far too easy to make $ in market until about 2027-2029
Well, technically, we are in the 20s
Is anyone calling them Roaring?
Ohh boy, I'm not sure anyone is calling them, but they definitely are roaring.
I wonder if the same thing will happen at the end of the 20’s? I feel like there will be another pandemic or catastrophe.
The pandemic happened before the roaring 20s! It was the Spanish Flu pandemic! Even roughly ran the same number of years as the COVID virus (the Spanish Flu pandemic was from 1918 to 1920 and COVID was from 2020 to 2023). Kinda eeary tbh
War and the greatest depression. People will beg the government to save them.
We even had the pre roaring 20s world wild virus which is pretty wild to think about! It's the ending that I find more and more concerning and not the market crash but the war aspect. I am not sure we make it that long without war given everything going on
it's almost as if this all follows a regular trajectory. almost as if there is a clockwork pattern to empires in conflict and/or falling...
The Force is strong with this one!