And the subtext behind the title is: have you regretted making these sacrifices?
Though I anticipate that your answer to my second question is a resounding No!
Anyway, I now work in a middle school and teach teenagers. But because my son will enrol in an elementary school in 2026, I am doing up my resume because I plan to teach at an elementary school next year.
The plan is for him to study at the primary school I will be teaching at.
(No, I haven’t entertained thoughts of homeschooling. The Singapore education system isn’t perfect, but I think it has its heart in the right place.)
The epiphany came to me last December while I was having lunch at Mister Donut with my wife and children. I was thinking, what would make my life easier? The idea of taking my son to my workplace and bringing him home at the end of the workday struck me like a lightning bolt. ⚡️ Fellow parents will understand how much less friction my days will become if I streamline my life and reduce the amount of things I need to low through every day.
So I decided to pursue it like a cheetah chases after its prey. 🐆
Last week, I met up with my current principal to tell her of my career switch. She was understanding about it.
To the extent that she declared my intention as a demonstration of love for my family, even if I just wanted to make my life easier.
That was unexpected of her. So I found that rather sweet.
In an ideal world, I would have loved to pivot to become a career counsellor at a university. I have always connected better with older kids. But I don’t regard my decision to move down to an elementary school as a sacrifice. I just know that even if I land up in my ideal job, I won’t derive much joy from it if I have to expend cognitive energy strategising when to leave my office to fetch my kids. Keep It Simple, Stupid.
I think fellow Stacker parents will dismiss my decision as something that just has to be done rather than laud it as a sacrifice. Haha.
Do you think you have sacrificed something important for the sake of your kids and spouse?
By the time we had our daughter, we were all in on kid life. As a result, it's hard to see much of it as a sacrifice.
Something I definitely think is a sacrifice is that my wife and I rarely get to watch TV together, anymore. That's something we've always really enjoyed and it just doesn't fit into our evening routines very often.
I miss going out to fancy restaurants with the wifey. Sometimes I would win free dinner packages from giveaway contests, which makes dining out all the sweeter haha
I sold my business and moved out of the city so I could spend more time with my kids. I don't really consider it a sacrifice because my lifestyle improved and I am happier but financially it was definitely a sacrifice.
Fortunately, I have Bitcoin so I don't need to worry about the fiat dollars I left on the table to improve all our lives.
It might have been an imprudent financial decision, but I think you made the best money decision ever. I think not many people understand the difference between these two.
I made the sacrifice to move to Taiwan during covid. Leaving my job was painful, I worked there 5 years and enjoyed it. Became an English are teachers overworked and underappreciated!
I guess this makes you appreciate your machinery job and night shift even more
Im finally back in the USA, it feels nice. And I get to spend more time with my kids because I am not teaching all the time.
You know I am still in the expectation time, so I can't just say that this is a sacrifice for my child.
FYI, I work at least 12 hours a day and I'm involved in various activities, like I own a small school, I have a non-profit organization, my family has a a business of logistics and for that I need to look after finances and accounts, and some other stuff as well.
But I have decided to be with my better half until she delivers the baby. I've cancelled most of my business trips, I've given away my responsibilities for my school to my uncle for the next 6 months. And, I have decided to only work out of my home for 4 hours a day.
I don't know if that's a sacrifice, but yeah that's what I have done.
I think so because you are giving up some things that bring you joy!
This isn't for me as @IamSINGLE but liked it or zapped it because you reminded me of my late father. He loved me like you do your kiddy. My father was ready to sacrifice everything for me but his untimely passing left a big space for me.
Sorry I related this too personally.
Don’t be sorry! I’m honoured that this brought back memories of your late dad. My mum passed on too - and as painful as it still is, I always welcome the chance to remember her.
I zapped you twice my default zap. It isn’t much, but it is a small token of my appreciation
I don't see these types of decisions as sacrifices, but more just trade offs. Life is full of trade offs, and which one you take depends on your personal preference and your values.
Back in the day, I was working on my undergrad thesis in my university senior year and the professor who I was doing the thesis under invited me to become his grad student and go to University of Waterloo with him. He was leaving the current university and taking his whole team with him. He even offered to pay for my masters degree on top of paying me to work under him, but I turned down the opportunity because I did not want to go long distance with my girlfriend at the time, who eventually became my wife. I ended up becoming a carpenter, which had nothing to do with what I studied in university, but I never regret a moment of it. It was simply the trade off I chose to make.
You are so right, buddy. I did think of tradeoffs, but given the direction of my writing and the fact that I was writing this close to my bedtime, I missed out on mentioning it in the end. Your comment makes the discussion more complete, so thanks xP
I can’t remember if you are of Chinese descent. Or I mixing you up with gmd? Anyway if you kinda understand Chinese, my mum once said, 爱是伟大的。它会让你放弃一切.。(Love is noble. It will make you give up everything.) You remind me of her words xP
Yep, I'm of Chinese descent and do understand Chinese. Perfectly understood your mom's words.